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Regis Healthcare: An entrepreneur’s promise to deliver safety with excellence.

Regis Healthcare: An entrepreneur’s promise to deliver safety with excellence.

Starting a business from scratch and making it a roaring success is a strenuous task that asks for sheer determination and extreme dedication. Indeed, the entrepreneurial world witnesses budding enterprises regularly, but how many of these emerge out as a leading player? Only a few such ventures reach their objectives to be the precursors of change in their respective industry. With the innovative instincts and kindling entrepreneurial flames in the heart, a few entrepreneurs have chiselled out their way to success.

Mayank Chapanera is one such business leader who has made a name in the game with his passion-driven strategies and thought leadership in a short span of time. In an interaction with Business Connect, Mayank walked us through his career trajectory and mentioned some key highlights of his successful venture- Regis Healthcare.

Worth a glance entrepreneurial journey
Regis Healthcare is a brainchild of Mayank Chapanera, who is an alumnus from B.Pharma. In the early years of his career excursion, he served as a Medical Representative for 3 years along with his graduation. As a keen enthusiast in the pharma industry, he always aspired for raising the service standards across the country and bring ease to the doctor’s life.

He began his business operations amidst the reigning chaos caused by the pandemic by delivering premium-quality sanitisers, face masks, surgical masks and above all, the N-95 masks. Later, he inaugurated Regis Healthcare as a comprehensive suite that roofs reliable and integrated healthcare offerings and renders exclusionary products to its diverse client base at the global level.

Mayank claims to have developed and distributed the authentic N-95 Masks at reasonable prices in Mumbai. During those unprecedented times, when the world was combating the swirling storms of the pandemic, forgeries of the healthcare products became a common scenario.  Against this backdrop, Mayank decided to create a wave of change and addressed the needs of the common people for a healthier future, all across the nation.

But, how did a burgeoning venture turn into a company with pan India presence and considerable revenue growth within a short period? Attaining such a huge success was not a piece of cake but, discipline, perseverance, patience and transparency paved his way to the pinnacle.

Regis Healthcare was laid on the principle of objectifying quality over quantity.

Owing to his vast connections in the medical industry, he was approached by several medical practitioners and organisations for the medicinal essentialities. Team Regis Healthcare, ensures proper quality management as well as standardized manufacturing to entrust the commonalities with a promise to deliver safety with excellence. Basically, it is a one-stop healthcare suite that not only manufactures products but also renders services like sanitization, consultancy and training programs. So far, it has catered to over 10,000 doctors across the country and made a mark in the industry.

Meet the dynamic duo behind Regis Healthcare
Mayank Chapanera(CEO) and Ankit Soni (CFO) joined hands to create a platform that can handle diverse needs from healthcare space. Two men, in their early twenties, have now become role models for generation Z and an inspiration to the aspiring entrepreneurs! Both of them constantly strive to create waves in the healthcare space with innovation and transparency.

During the COVID-19 scenario, when multiple healthcare-utilities were out of stock due to the subsequent chains of lockdown, Mayank took the responsibility to ensure a reliable range of COVID-essential products to the end-customers. Later, Ankit adjoined him in his exemplary mission that was driven by the vision to deliver excellent product at a modest price, when the demands for the relevant offerings were on the vertex.

They recognized the need for a comprehensive platform under which, every product and service pertaining to the medical requirements can be ensured accordingly. The matchless professional acuity with a commitment to deliver value-added services to the customers has allowed both the young entrepreneurs to witness an enthralling success.

Moreover, Mayank reveals that Mr Nimish Thakkar, MD of Zuvius Lifesciences, has always been the guiding light for his venture.

Apart from this, Mayank is an avid- reader and many books have been the key drivers that compelled him to invade the world of entrepreneurship. Some of the famous publications that are pretty close to his heart and have been a major inspiration to him are- Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom, Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson and Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert by T.Kiyoski.

What makes Regis a premium choice?
While speaking to Business Connect, Mayank Chapanera states the differentiating factor that makes Regis Healthcare stand out, “The venture envisions healthy future for all. Our best-in-class quality products and flexible services assure healthcare of trust. We vow for the well-being of the people associated with us by resonating as their needs and necessities.”

The healthcare support system ensures doctors and specialist just a call away. Apart from this, they are in a continuous process of enlightening people with proper sanitization methodologies while maintaining a clean and hygienic lifestyle. And their exemplary quality products with 100% genuineness is allowing them to stay ahead of the curve in this industrial space.

An outstanding offering
Amidst the COVID-19 crisis, the healthcare workers have been the frontline warriors who faced innumerable austerities caused by the global pandemic. Regis Healthcare recognized the pain points for doctors who faced immense problems to ‘don and doff’ the PPE kits and prepared a unique medical gown to address multiple challenges.

This outstanding medical robe ensures utmost ease and comfort to the healthcare professionals at an affordable price; especially women doctors have been quite satisfied with this innovative solution. The robe can be reused multiple times by washing frequently. As soon as this specialized gown invaded the market, the sales rocketed within a short period. Hitherto, the gown has witnessed major acceptance across the healthcare landscape and encountered surging sales via word of mouth only.

Moreover, Regis Healthcare has partnered with the streaming giant of the decade- Netflix- to render integrated medical consulting and assistance. In this context, Mayank elucidates, “ Our specialized team of medical professionals assists the crew members who are up for shooting at remote places where medical help cannot be accessed. We have created numerous teams of specialists in the domain who accompany the crew members from Netflix family for different types of shooting programs.”

About these exceptional services, several directors from Bollywood and Tollywood also have joined their hands with Regis. Mayank takes immense pride in explaining that this exclusionary approach has granted his venture a cosmopolitan recognition and soon, he will heavily invest in this segment to become a leading player in this space. Apart from this, its exclusive protein powder- Zuvipro, that is being catered to Seven Hills Hospital (Asia’s Largest Hospital with the highest numbers of COVID+ cases), various Indian Medical Associations, Bombay Hospital, etc, is giving it an edge over its peers.

Furthermore, Regis Healthcare foresees a bright and blazing future ahead as it aspires to emerge out as one of the Top Pharma Companies. While ensuring a nurturing and cordial culture of growth and development to its employees, it always encourages each associated member to shoot for the moon. Soon, it will be venturing into the Gynecology and Dermatology segment with some unique products. With an optimistic attitude and determination to bring a social impact across the globe, team Regis forges ahead to diversify its product line while expanding its horizons.




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