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Innovation is the crux of today’s most of the industries, and technology plays a crucial role in it. It is transforming the facet of a multitude of spheres. EV Techo Electra Motors, a leading automobile industry, with an enriching and prodigious experience, walks on it, thereby manufacturing environment-friendly and technically advanced automobiles. EV Techo Electra Motors Pvt. Ltd is a Pune based manufacturer of Electric Two Wheelers. The team at Techo Electra boasts of industry-wide experience in automobile manufacturing, which has brought them to deliver a range of electric scooters that truly captures the Indian spirit of a sustainable electric future. They, at TECHO ELECTRA, work on eco–friendly and world-class technology and set a socially responsible platform to make this earth pollution-free. Hence, they bring Green revolution and also ensure you the best design, comfort, quality and assured after-sales service and spare parts support. Techo Electra aims to get sustainable and cost-effective Electric Vehicles in the market, which is every citizen’s dream. Their team of highly qualified engineers works continuously on the advancement of the products and newer technologies to match up with the pace of time and generation. They believe in being ahead of the curve and get products that are technology-driven, backed up with power and longer range.

As a social responsibility, they like to promote their green and nonpolluting vehicles as a means for commuting, which also drives huge savings in return. Available Model: 3

• Emerge- LI-ion

• Raptor- Lead Acid

• NEO- Lead Acid

Now, the foremost question arises, how they are synchronizing with the latest needs of the market? T E has provided a range of options for the customer to choose from, variety that is based on performance, range, price and other parameters, this choice is designed to ensure that they are able to have an offering for a variety of customers. They are having round the clock R&D team to evaluate commercially feasible options on batteries, Motors, convertors, controller and other key components, they have been able to increase the range per charger from the original 80kms to over 110kms in the last six months.


T E– Mobility has seen the consumer trend changing quite rapidly in the last five years, consumers, nowadays, expect more; hence, they want a good quality product-a higher range and fast charging.

With respect to the EV space, the industry has just started, but the trends remained defined; consumers want products with good quality and looks that have to be appealing or even better than the ICE vehicles. Consumers want variety and it’s important to keep launching new products and create a variety of portfolios to have a relevant market share. T E is always working on the following: To enhance the existing portfolio of vehicles.

Continuous R & D to provide customers with a higher range per charge, this has resulted in their range going up from 80kms per charge to over 110 km per charge They are working to introduce 3 to 4 new models in the two-wheeler space.

Their dealers are located across various parts of the country

By supporting sales, marketing and quicker after-sales services, bringing about a viable business model for their dealers, addressing their issues in the shortest possible of time, they have invested in a robust ERP system, a module which will also be given to each dealer to help them make decisions faster as data would be available at a click. Continuous innovation and improvement, they render. These are the ways to ensure the unbreakable faith of clients in the Company.

From customer satisfaction to keeping abreast of technology, let’s look into the Company’s synchronization with technology.


EV Techo Electra Motors have team across different verticals, which are dedicated to keep trying out different technologies regularly, they not only are looking for newer technologies being developed across the globe but also trying out how different technologies work with each other and different components that go in the making of an Electric scooter, from introducing lead-acid batteries to moving to Lithium-Ion and evaluating newer technologies not just from durability but also commercial feasibility, technology has to be affordable.

Technology is quite essential in the EV space, embracing Technology can produce winners. Technology is not restricted just to the product, it’s running the company, at the Production stage, Technology in sales and After Sales. It’s all across the board. Right from Charger development to suit the local needs, to developing a right Math to give a higher charge, they increased the mileage of their scooters from an initial 80KM per charge to over 100+ KM in one charge, reducing the charging time from 10 hours to around 6 hours, having an intelligent BMS, etc. are some of the initiatives that they have taken.


Manufacturing is not a cakewalk, it involves a huge Capital Expenditure, designing the right products, which is determined over a period of time, depending on the success of the product. Getting the Math right in terms of delivering great customer experience, right from purchase to Usage. A wrong bet can mean a huge loss of Money, Time, Loss of customer confidence, Team Morale, Disappointment in the network, and a big setback for the company.

T E had to get the development/production cycles right, along the while ensuring enough POS are there across the country, keeping the Associates Engaged, Getting Marketing / Sales Campaign, delivering a good experience from Employees, Customers, Dealers, etc.

The strategy adopted by T E was to address each and every challenge, there is no single strategy for success and one needs to keep assessing the situations, environment and ecosystem around and modify things that would best suit make the company a winner.

Switching from struggles, let’s unravel their milestones and achievements T E can be distinguished as one of the few companies, which have grown at a high growth rate, not just in terms of numbers but also in terms of Geographies, their network is amongst one of the strongest in the industry. Their plan was quite simple, to roll out a Quality product and it has worked well. There is a definitive strategy that they have worked on and it has been worked well.

The awards which they have won are India 500 Startup award by India 5000 and 10 Best Electric Vehicle startups 2019 award by Silicon India.

Talking about the future, the road ahead is a long one, T E aims to be amongst the early companies to make a mark in this space. The company is backed by solid industry veterans who along with the core team are forming a strategy to achieve the Aim.

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