At a price of Rs.180, ITC Hotels’ shares made their debut on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), well below their expected price of Rs. 260 to Rs. 270. This discount results from the demerger procedure, which converted ten ITC Ltd. shares into one ITC Hotels share. The shares launched at a lower price than the early market speculation, which had predicted that they would list between Rs. 200 and Rs. 300.
ITC Hotels Shares Listed at Rs. 180: A 31% Discount from Forecasted Rs. 260
ITC hotels listing 2025: On Wednesday, January 29, shares of ITC Hotels, the demerged division of the multinational conglomerate ITC Ltd, were listed on the NSE at Rs.180.
The implied price of Rs.260 was 30.7% more than the actual price.
Shares were listed at Rs.188 each on the BSE. On the BSE, the implied price was Rs.270. This implies that the stock was listed on the BSE at a 30.3% discount.
In the meantime, ITC Ltd. shares were down Rs.2.90, or 0.67%, at Rs.432.55 per on the NSE.
January 6, 2025, was set as the record date for the demerger of ITC’s hotel business, which went into effect on January 1, 2025. ITC Hotel was cut off from the parent company by the relocation.
“The equity shares of ITC Hotels Limited…shall be traded in Series ‘BE’ and subsequently be shifted to Series ‘EQ,'” the business stated.
Separately, ITC announced in a regulatory filing that ITCHL was approved by the BSE Ltd and the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd to list and trade its equity shares on January 29, 2025.
To find the price for ITC Hotels’ post-demerger operations, the BSE and NSE held a special trading session on January 6.
The NSE saw ITC shares settle at Rs.455.60, while the BSE saw shares settle at Rs.455.
According to the demerger plan, for every ten shares of ITC, stockholders will receive one share of ITC Hotels.
In addition, ITC Hotels share price according to a regulatory report issued by the Kolkata-based conglomerate on December 31, 2024, the demerger scheme suggested that ITC stockholders whose names would be on the list of shareholders on January 6 would receive “one share of ITC Hotels for every 10 shares of ITC.”