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Club Concierge

Club Concierge: Path to success

Club Concierge powers the most innovative and engaging loyalty programs in market today. Processes managed by PWC declared Club Concierge as first Asia’s ( 2016 ) and then the World’s Greatest Brand ( 2018 ) for its unique loyalty solutions.

Club Concierge is, first and foremost, a customer-driven company whose prime directive is to generate customer delight by consistently anticipating and exceeding expectations. Club Concierge is a global marketing partner company with a concierge mindset of servicing its client of “‘no is never an option”.

Club Concierge comprises of a team of passionate members that help its clients be disruptive innovators: helping them identify weaknesses in their customer experiences and then use innovative customer insights to create exceptional customer value. What clients get immediately are the advantages the background of the company possesses. “We have scaled the entire proposition and have remarkable high touch platforms in place. Added to this is the fact that we can relate immediately to our clients and their end users alike with a global delivery service model, world-class infrastructure, supplier networks, marketing assets and supporting technology. This provides us a significant competitive advantage, while we focus on servicing customers from a contextual, as opposed to a product-based or transactional, perspective, both within India and globally, “asserts the Chairman, MD, Dipali Sikand.

In words of Sikand, “From planning and strategizing to implementing and optimizing fruitful measures for the current and future marketing investments of our clients, we are the one-stop destination for numerous corporations. We have a deep experience in working as a strategic customer loyalty building partner to the world’s best known brands – luxury, consumer, telecom, automotive, private residences, destination clubs, and more. We help structure uniquely differentiated services and products and in turn help them create passionate loyalty, engage their customers, and drive real profits.

Views of Dipali Sikand

What are your views on the Changing face of Entrepreneurship?

What’s happening today is something more profound than a change in technology. What’s happening is that limits to startups and innovation have been removed.

The first thing that’s changed is that Consumer Internet (and Genomics ) are Driving Innovation at a huge scale. The second thing that’s changed is that we’re now compressing the Product Development Cycle, we can release products with minimum features to see its effectiveness now, which we couldn’t earlier.  The third change seen is the relevance of the Founder of a business (the entrepreneur) has increased greatly: who better than the visionairy entrepreneur to continuously innovate, who better than the dreamer to have the imagination and courage to challenge initial hypotheses and make a business grow.

The fourth thing that’s changed is that you can start a company on your laptop for thousands rather than millions of rupees, and with the emergence of incubators and super angels it has also dramatically expanded the sources of seed capital for entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs no longer have to start off as a BIG COMPANY to prove their credentials.
The most profound transformation that is happening in the entrepreneurial work is the fact that Information is now everywhere, today entrepreneurs have exponentially more information than their predecessors.

Walking Miles:  How today’s entrepreneurs should use the opportunities they have today:

All the advantages that entrepreneurs have today I didn’t at the time I started my entrepreneurial journey .  But one thing is for sure : Having all these advantages  cannot  substitute the ability to do something  and to do something well thought out. Reading about, hearing about and learning about how to build a successful company is not the same as having done it. Information does not mean experience, maturity or wisdom.

The barriers to entrepreneurship are not just being removed. In each case, they’re being replaced by innovations that are speeding up each step, some by a factor of ten.

And while innovation is moving at Internet speed, it’s not limited to just Internet commerce startups. It has spread to the enterprise and ultimately every other business segment.

We’re seeing the effect of Amazon on retailers. Malls are shutting down. Most students graduating today have no idea what a Blockbuster record/video store was. Many have never gotten their news from a physical newspaper. Its therefore that much more important for todays entrepreneurs to remain ahead and always informed.

One advice I would like to give today’s entrepreneurs though: nothing substitutes a face to face meeting with client and customers. Knowing your customers is key to a long term relationship.

Also an ease of starting a business and getting easy access to funds is not the same as running a profitable business. The key is PROFIT and not Investor Funds!

What makes Club Concierge special?

“Our Team”quips Dipali SIkand

At Club Concierge, the team sets out to make great customer engagements, but they know that to do that, it has to be a place to foster greatness. A place where incredibly talented individuals are empowered to put their best work to helping many, with very little in their way. “We do know, though experience, that being an excellent engagement company makes us a superior marketing partner. Our mantra, Service, Way and Beyond, is lived and breathed by every member of our organization. Our experience has been that this type of service-focused, customer-driven culture has a tangible impact on our customer satisfaction rates, and therefore on economic drivers important to them,” believes Sikand.

Club Concierge has taken a long term investment approach in terms of their hiring and retaining best-in-class professionals. They believe that has tangible impact on the quality of the customer experience, and by extension on their client’s customer’s brand loyalty that they pursue to build. Their Brand’s credo encapsulates their culture and beliefs and they have created their work environment as a place where genuine care and comfort of their members is their highest mission.

“We have only one rule: Passion Rocks, Common Sense Rules.

We owe our success to the creativity, passion and determination of our team that lives our mantra of service beyond expectations each day. Every one of our offices has dedicated experience managers on hand to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year,” asserts Sikand.

Winning Laurels through immaculate client engagement:

Delight gets many things done in this world. It makes relationships sweeter, more workable and longer lasting. It enhances the understanding and empathy between people. It motivates partners and associates to go beyond the brief in business. Which is why you have always endeavored to delightfully engage your Preferred Partners in every way possible. Now with Club Concierge, you have a professional on your side, specialized in providing this delight in disruptive new ways.

Club Concierge has been delivering exceptional non fractional human experiences across both digital, non-digital and blended channels, throughout a wide range of customer types that are far above a customer’s baseline of expectations. Its services are both dynamic and layered in that it is constantly changing and improving to ensure relevancy to customer types.

Not only has it adapted to the needs of the market, in its business it has set the trends to which the market reacts and aspires towards. It helps it adapt on the fly to changes in the market, in technology, to aspirations. The solution is to establish and maintain a culture and processes that don’t view change as a discrete event to be spotted and managed, but as an ongoing opportunity to improve.

Its disruptive creative mindset that looks to service beyond expectation is its greatest strength.  This key trait of unbridled curiosity and a motto of no never being an answer, fuels people at Club Concierge, allowing them to deliver to clients, far beyond.

Further, it is already in 23 international cities and looks forward to growing to more through the strength of its brand and commitment while understanding needs and services in all geographies.

What are some of the unique HR practices Club Concierge has to make it a Best Place to work at:

Sometimes things around the office can seem a little too good to be true. You may find yourself walking into office one morning and a bowl of fresh fruit on your desk or a man serving spicy golgappas waving to you,  or a bunch of guys in Football jerseys or a levitating yogic teaching you to do the perfect headstand …… don’t freak out. All these things at Club Concierge are actually there for their employees to use  “If we ever institute champagne-catered lunches, though, then maybe something’s wrong. Definitely panic if there’s champagne!” says Sikand

Club Concierge employees enjoy exceptional benefits including those across heath, investments, lifestyle and more.  Standing out is the company’s commitment to their program Random Acts of Kindness ( )  Their program is unique, material, and credible.. The team has also adopted a village in the Niligiris to build a model village and are seen atleast 10 days a year on the slopes, working with the local tribals in building a sustainable Ecosystem for them.

Unique Employee Benefits at  Club Concierge

  • Club Access Program-enabling employees to spend quality time with their families, who are the invisible pillars of support for the employees, family members and employees get unlimited accesses to many social clubs that Club Concierge has tied up with.
  • Voluntary time Off- embracing social responsibility, employees get paid time off to participate in community service projects.
  • Emergency Ride home Program- If you have a personal emergency during your work day and need transportation home or to another destination (hospital, child’s school, etc.), Club Concierge will pay for a ride share.
  • Lounge Access Program- to assist employees towards a more comfortable travel experience which helps them be at their best energy levels throughout, employees are given complementary airport lounge accesses
  • Executive Wellness Program- Club Concierge has a well developed wellness program where employees have access to wellness resources and also get to build a personalized wellness plan with the company health advisor.
  • Pets at Work Advantage- Club Concierge is a very pet friendly company. Pets are allowed at work each day
  • Women at Advantage- Our Women @ Club Concierge Advantage highlights our interest to invest in making our organization a women-friendly workplace. Special Women Only Benefits help the ladies to lead an enriched work life balance in addition to many interesting benefits.
  • Company Chill Nights- Club Concierge Company Chill Nights is an initiative of the organization for engaging employees effectively. Once a quarter employees let their hair down over a themed dinner party.
  • Employee Errand Run Program- Club Concierge Employee Errand Run Program is an initiative of the organization to ease out the work-life balance of employees. Employees use the company’s concierge and errand runner for their to – do lists. This service is also extended to parents/ spouses of employees
  • Second Skill Program- Club Concierge recognises the importance of up-skilling and for the team to always be future ready. Towards this, every employee in the company has available to their credit, a Second Skill Allowance. The allowance lies in a virtual credit account, and as required, Club Concierge even provides periodic top-ups.
  • Emergency Cash Advance Assistance- Emergency Cash Advance Assistance is an initiative of the organization to ease out the life balance of employees and provide them with financial assistance at times of necessity.
  • Dil Se Program- To honour and celebrate the sense of belongingness towards the families of its employees, Club Concierge proudly presents every family member a celebration Mojo on their special days..
    • Micasa (Home-stay)- Parents of managers get to have a two day break at a homestay of choice each year with the employee.
    • Dil Se: Jubilations and Celebrations- Club Concierge family makes it a point to celebrate all the special occasions of an employee and their family members including: Employee birthdays  Parent’s birthdays·  Kids’ birthdays·  Employee marriage anniversaries·  Employee work anniversaries·  Other Employee Special days·
  • Go Green Perk- Club Concierge employees are encouraged to adopt methods of sustainable living and environment-friendly ways of life through the Club Concierge Go Green Perk. Employees that cycle to work get to avail of a special Green Perk Allowance.
  • Employee Savings- Club Concierge employees have access to a myriad of employee discount offers throughout the year.
  • Employee Health insurance Program- Employees are covered under a Group Medical Insurance Plan
  • Company Leased Shared Accommodation- Cub Concierge at its discretion offers bachelors company leased shared accommodation
  • Follow Your Passion Benefit- Club Concierge fosters the spirit of entrepreneurship. Be it a product, service, or a business model: they work with their employees to develop their ideas that can transform the world and offer funding assistance as well as marketing and operational assistance.
  • Lunch and Learning Perks- Learn-at-Lunch trainings are informal training events of short duration, where over a brown paper bag packed lunch, employees get to learn something new each session beyond their roles at work.
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