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Seven Hats Consulting

Seven Hats Consulting

Neha Sundesha: Shining Brillinatly in the Entreprenuial World with her creation Seven Hats Consulting

The spirit through which women these days are enthralling in their respective interests is mind-boggling. Be an artist, a student, or infact a business tycoon, each one of them carries the immense potential to serve this world by their incredible talents. Ambitious, creative, sincere, and patient they are! These qualities help them to carve their own distinctive space in their domains.

Neha Sundesha is a woman who has created ample influence in the entreprenuial world with her remarkable contribution. Seven Hats Consulting is the brain child of this young and versatile lady entrepreneur- Neha Sundesha.

Seven Hats is an education consulting company that primarily focuses on extremely high-performing mid-career professionals who have graduated from some of the top institutions in India and around the world, work in fields from consulting, private equity to technology and entrepreneurship, and wish to pursue their MBA at top global schools.

They also work with those who wish to switch careers but they are not a placement agency. They serve as mentors and professional coaches and have a very high success rate in molding those at a very critical stage mid-career to build the foundation for the next 10 years of their career and future aspirations.

For their clientele, Neha Sundesha has to say, “They all have a special place in my heart, and even now after 8 years, I remember all their stories, their lives, and my experience working with them like it was yesterday. I am deeply invested in all my clients.”


It’s life and there are twists and turns in it with which we all need to live. There is a multitude of responsibilities which we ought to fulfill sometimes for ourselves and sometimes for others. We bake cookies, we read stories to our kids, we exercise and meditate to keep ourselves sane then we work, we spend time with family and friends, we do it all. And we miss out on a lot of things too in search of this elusive work-life balance.


“But, I believe that is what makes this exciting. I believe the quality time I spend with my children makes me a happy person. Living with family and spending time with friends makes me a kind person. And working for my clients, and seeing them grow, and learning from them builds in me a global, current and astute awareness of the world, which I can bring back home to grow my family’s intellectual and idea fabric more holistically. I don’t like walls, assumptions, being myopic, and I don’t want my family to be like that. I want them to live in an open world with big ideas. If I do not mold myself to grow, then how will my children grow?”~ Neha Sundesha

Neha Sundesha hails from Calcutta and grew up in home-grown women entrepreneurial system. From art classes to clothing stores and leather factories- she liked the way women around her hustled, kept costs low, gave their best and managed businesses. The enthusiast says, “My mom turned into an entrepreneur at 50+ years old, and everyday I pick up valuable financial management lessons from her on how to run a business successfully.

But she firmly believes that three things need to happen for more women to become entrepreneurs: a society that builds more support systems for its women, more risk capital allocated to women in families, and financial freedom for women at an early age so they become responsible owners, spenders, and investors of capital.

Women Who Inspire!

“To lead and empower, it’s really important to get inspired.” Neha Sundesha really looks up to women who have defied precedent to make a dent on their sectors and industries. She is particularly drawn to the entertainment sector, where women writers particularly have found it quite difficult to find success.

She admires and respects the tenacity and boldness of women like Amy Sherman-Palladino and Phoebe WallerBridge who are not afraid to use humor and tell some pretty amazing stories. She also appreciates ladies like Melinda Gates who have used their tremendous resources to help others.

She wants to mention a plethora of unsung women whom she looks upto. All those women who are struggling with various issues in their lives, but still showing up everyday to work. She looks upto women who leave their families to go and make a better life for their families back home. The visionary says, “I look upto women who help me to live my life in a way that I can maintain my work-life balance.

I look upto various women in my life, family, and friends, who make my world lovely, warm, happy and centered. I look upto all those friendships which I have cherished my whole life with women who have pushed me when I have slacked and reigned me in when I have erred. I believe we women are each other’s biggest supporters.

And finally, I also look upto men in my life who have always been my biggest champions, my husband who has always supported me wholeheartedly and my two little sons. My older one always tries to copy me when he sees me working, and I am glad that my two boys will grow up in a household with a working Mother.

I fervently believe in work-life balance. It is not always possible. But I could not live and do what I do without it. So I look upto all those people in my support system. And I wished there was a way to build more of these support structures in our society, so more women could go into the world and bring back the best of themselves to the families they hope to lead.”


In order to progress and ensure long term success in the business world, companies ought to maintain synergy with the changing market trends.

 Neha Sundesha has a great interest in the literature; she reads a lot. She loves to convere with people and learn from them. She asks questions constantly to know better about things.  Travelling excites her because she doesn’t want to believe that the world around her has all the answers. So, she likes seeking the answers. And for that, you have to learn new languages, walk new streets, and be curious about those who are different from you.


The entrepreneur has an opinion regarding the technology, and on this, she says, “I believe the biggest things we need to work on today are poverty, climate change, and hatred in societies across the world. I believe technology can help us to combat these in a way that nothing else can.

I care less about the next food app delivering me food instantly than something that can actually help me to manage my consumption footprint, or help me finance a woman entrepreneur’s business in a remote corner of India as easily as it is to buy diapers on Amazon! “


“If you are an entrepreneur, work hard. Do good work. If you are a woman entrepreneur, build a support system. You will need it! Be vulnerable, count on friends and family, you can’t do it all. It takes a village to raise a child, yes. But it also takes a village to grow a company. My support and best wishes to everyone out there looking to make a difference! You can do it. And if you think of giving up, drink that coffee and get right back up again!”~Neha Sundesha

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