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25 Simple Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Students

Written By: Ruth Kinloch(

healthy lifestyle tips

25 Simple Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Students

The life of today’s students can feel quite chaotic and even a bit overwhelming at times.

Having to balance studies with personal life and the need to pay attention to healthy eating, staying fit, and productivity can put a little too much pressure on a person.

No wonder students often struggle with maintaining a proper healthy lifestyle and end up facing burnout, illnesses, and other health conditions.

To help you find a healthy balance, we put together an infographic. It contains simple tips that can help you turn a healthy lifestyle into your reality.

The tips are divided into five categories: eating habits and nutrition, staying fit, study/life balance, mental health advice, and building proper sleeping habits.

Check it all out below and stay healthy!

Eating Habits and Nutrition

Eating Habits And Nutrition

1 Avoid repetition

Make sure you have a varied diet. One of the main nutritional problems students face is getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals they need for a healthy diet.

2 Eat-in moderation

Another problem is binge-eating episodes. Even if you’ve skipped a meal, it doesn’t mean you should overeat later, trying to compensate for it. Moderation is key, and eating too much isn’t healthy.

3 Anticipate hunger

A busy student’s schedule doesn’t always allow for regular meal times. So, if you know you won’t be able to have a proper meal, have a bunch of healthy snacks on hand to deal with hunger when it strikes.

4 Include starchy carbs and Veggies

One of the easiest ways to make sure you eat healthy and don’t gain weight is to include starchy carbs (potatoes, pastas, grains) and veggies into your meals. Don’t forget about proteins. .

5 Less saturated faty sugar, and alcohol

Saturated fats and sugar are the cause of most health problems and are the most common reason for weight gain. Try to avoid them as much as possible. Also, frequent alcohol consumption won’t make you healthier, so tone down on that too.

Staying Fit

Staying Fit

6 Set specific goals

Exercising without a purpose probably won’t be motivating enough for you to keep going for long. Whether it’s weight loss, strength gain, anxiety relief or some other reason, find the thing that will keep you motivated and exercising.

7 increase the load gradually

If you have decided to become more fit, don’t overdo it in the beginning. Let your body adapt to the new regimen. You’ll be able to lift that weight or run that distance in time.

8 Do what you like to do

Just because someone tells you to do specific things to stay fit, doesn’t mean that you have to. You need to enjoy exercising, so it’s important to do what you love to get the maximum benefits from it.

9 Change the way you commute

Changing the way you commute can help you to become more fit. Take a walk instead of driving (alternatively, ride a bike), use stairs instead of the elevator, and move more in general.

10 Embrace regularity

Another key to staying fit is to exercise regularly. It doesn’t matter what you prefer—three workout sessions a week, or ten minutes of stretching every day. As long as you do it regularly, you’re good to go.

Study Life Balance

Study/Life Balance

11 Establish priorities

Have a priority system for all your tasks. You can divide them up using the following criteria: Urgent and important Urgent but not important 0000 Important but not urgent, Not urgent and not important

12 Figure out your rhythm

By now you should know at what times of the day you are most productive. Try to set your schedule accordingly and complete the most important tasks during those peak times.

13 Stick to a schedule

Set specific working hours and never go beyond them. Without an established routine, it’s easier to work until late at night, sacrificing leisure time, which can lead to fatigue and stress.

14 Don’t multitask

It’s better to do one thing perfectly than try and complete multiple tasks at once with mediocre results. It won’t save you any time when you have to go back and fix mistakes made while multitasking.

15 Don’t sweat the small stuff

It’s hard to be perfect at everything. It’s okay to mess up a little from time to time. Stay focused on what’s really important, don’t worry too much about the small things.

Mental Health

Mental Health

16 Stay within your limits

Every person has a point where they reach their maximum capabilities. Be kind to yourself and know when you need to stop to avoid burnout.

17 Relieve the built-up stress

Find a way to prevent stress overload and give yourself an outlet. Meditation, going out with friends, simply talking to someone. Do whatever does the trick for you. The key takeaway is to get rid of stress.

18 Pay attention to the warning signs

There are numerous signs that you’re reaching your limit. If you ignore them, it will lead to larger-scale problems such as headaches, nervousness, lack of motivation, mood swings—they all mean it’s time for a change.

19 Ask for help

It’s important to seek help when you need it. In fact, turning to professionals to get assistance when you’re dealing with mental health struggles is the smartest thing you can do.

20 Have some “you” timer

Even if you don’t consider yourself an introvert, you still have to dedicate some time for yourself. Pick up a hobby that will help you to unwind and forget about the problems and assignments that might be bothering you or stressing you out.

Sleeping Habits

Sleeping Habits

21 Never sacrifice sleep

Sleep should always be a top priority. It’s the only time when you can fully rest and recharge for the next day. Sleep deprivation will only lead to burnout.

22 Sleep right

A comfortable mattress and the right type of pillow can do wonders for the quality of your sleep. If you get the chance, invest in the place you rest your head.

23 Have a bedtime routine

Having a ritual before bed can help your body know that it’s time to sleep. Reading a book, having a glass of milk, or listening to relaxing music can do the trick. Also, avoid your phone!

24 Bed as a sleep-only territory

Try not to do things other than sleeping in your bed. That means no studying, otherwise, you may start to associate your bed with stress, making it harder to unwind at night.

25 Keep it cool

Keeping your room at a cooler temperature can help you fall asleep faster. Another option is to take a warm bath, which will cool your body down and help you feel more relaxed.

Sources [blog/ resources [health-tips-for-college- students /[live-well/eat-well/eight-tips-for-healthy-eating/ [blog/ student-life [health-and-wellnes s-guide-for-college-students/



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