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Best Books Recommended by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam for Inspiration and Learning

Best books to be read by APJ Abdul Kalam

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Was the 11th president of India and a great aerospace scientist. He paid a pivotal role in the development of nuclear programmes of the nation. He received the highest civilian award, that is, Bharat Ratna in 1997 and Padma Vibhushan in 1990.  He wrote various books which inspires various people.

In this blog, we will discuss several books written by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Some of them are listed below-

01. India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium:

The book published in 1998, envisions each & every aspect of transforming India as a developed nation by the year 2020 based on technology upgradation, scientific development and socio-economic reforms. It highlights the need to make use of their youthful energy, infrastructure and invest in innovation.

Exhibiting a blueprint for growth and development, Kalam & Rajan compel the minds of policy makers and non-governmental organizations alike to join hands towards national progress. It is still a clarion call, and it depicts Kalam’s dedication to the country that remains one of India’s potentials.

02. Wings of Fire: An Autobiography:

Wings on Fire is an autobiography of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. It covers his early life before becoming the President of India. The pure faith in God and deep kindness, dealing life with positivity, technological advancement and many more things are mentioned in this book. This book also tells lot of behind of scenes information and technical details about India’s satellite and various missiles. His significant contribution in developing country’s guided missile program is mentioned in the book.

03. Ignited Minds: Unleashing the Power within India:

Ignited Minds by A P J Abdul Kalam is a book that focuses on creating a bright and prosperous future for India. It challenges the readers to take action to make India a great nation and to be a part of the nation’s development. It emphasizes the importance of the youth and their potential to bring about a positive change. The book begins by discussing the vision of India as a developed nation by 2020.

It examines the aspects of development including economic, political and social. It also discusses the need for a strong education system in order to achieve this vision. The author encourages the youth to have courage and determination to achieve their goals. The book also discusses the need for a strong social and moral fabric in the nation and how it can help to bring about a positive change.

04. The Luminous Sparks: A Biography in Verse and Colours:

It is a unique and inspiring book written by the former president and a great scientist of our country. in this book, doctor Kalam write about his personal experiences of the early life and he presented it in a colourful illustration. This book reflects the philosophy of life of the great scientist and the former president. Kalam talks about his early life as a young student in Rameshwaram and draws a parallel journey to become the president of India.

The accumulation of verse along with the colours of illustration draws the keen insight and is able to captivate the readers. It is truly an inspiring book which can be seen as a medium to pursue once own dream. In this book, poems and notes are presented denoting the incidents from his childhood, work life experiences and the moments which made all these thoughts possible.

05. Guiding Souls: Dialogues on the Purpose of Life:

This book was written by the former president and the great scientist Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam and was published in 2014. This book is written in the form of dialogue between Kalam and various individuals and it reflects various aspects of life including spirituality. Kalam wanted to write this book in order to guide various readers about finding the meaning of once own life and to direct it in a good way.

It also rises various philosophical and existential questions to which Kalam tries to answer. This book delves deep into finding the purpose of life and defining a way in which an individual can pursue the meaningful path. Kalam gives a balanced perspective by integrating signs along with spiritual insights.

06. Mission of India: A Vision of Indian Youth:

This book was written by the former president and the great scientist Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam and was published in 2011. In this book, Kalam emphasises the idea of empowerment of young generation which will play a pivotal role in the development and progress of the nation.

Kalam also talks about his own vision for the nation by putting main focus on the achievement of greatness through the contribution of younger generation. He also deals with other aspects of national development such as education, technology and leadership. This book motivates the youth of the nation so that they can realise their potential and take active participation in the development of nation. Kalam has a view that education has the potential to shape the nation. He encourages innovation and scientific advancement in the field of education.

07. The Scientific India: A Twenty First Century Guide to the World around us:

This book is written by Dr A P J Abdul Kalam and Srijan Pal Singh (Co-author) and was published in 2009. This book aims to provide accessibility of complex scientific concept to the general public with a prime focus on its relevance in day-to-day life. This book simplifies the knowledge of science in order to give a better understanding to the general public.

Various scientific and technological issues have also been mentioned in this book such as the advancement in the field of biotechnology, space technology and environmental science. Dr. Kalam tries to emphasise the idea that how the advancement and science is directly proportional to the life general mass of the nation. Kalam wanted to promote scientific literacy in the nation. This book acted as the suitable medium to propagate his idea.

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