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Showing entrepreneurs the ropes to carve their own success story- The Managing Director of Digilive

Digital marketing is a domain that envelopes all the marketing strategies which employing an electronic device or the internet. It resolves the promotion and marketing of related complications of various brands and products online through a plethora of digital channels. Most businesses have a specific audience to target and digital marketing aims to help such businesses reach their target consumers via diverse digital routes. It is essential for modern businesses because the internet plays a key role to attract customers to relevant products. One can easily reach out to the targeted consumers and render the information regarding the selling product with the help of digital marketing platforms.  Digital marketing allows businesses to ensure the global reach and when compared to conventional marketing techniques, it is way too economic.

One such revolutionary platform with a handful of super dedicated, committed and determined people assembled as a team to render digital marketing resources to numerous business enterprises has been introduced in the sphere of Digital Marketing is Digilive.

Digilive came into existence in the field of digital marketing serving various domains such as- School Management System with Econnect K12, Mobile App Development (ios, android or both), 360-degree virtual tour, Email Marketing, Websites, Search Engine Optimization, Seach Engine Marketing), Web Development, etc.

 A breath of fresh air- Inception story

Addressing his experience and previous professional background, Mr. Vikash, the dynamic Founder of Digilive, shared that he always followed his heart irrespective of the circumstances around him. Mr. Vikash has an infectious positive attitude that doesn’t allow the people around him to feel grumpy.

He did his Masters in Computer Applications and later pursued the noble profession of teaching. He worked as a teacher in renowned schools. He was also associated with several other reputed schools but while doing so the thought of breaking a new ground always poked him.

Inspiration can knock our door anytime, but what we need to ensure is take a leap of faith and open the door to numerous golden opportunities.

He always heard this voice deep down inside, that he was not meant to be a teacher forever. So, he decided to commence his start-up to provide a service platform to the entrepreneurs who are associated with major or minor enterprises.

Insights on leadership

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” A famous quote tossed by John Quincy Adams.

Mr. Vikash conveying his views on leadership says, “Leadership is something which cannot be adopted or fetched from anywhere, it is an inbuilt or self- grown ability of an individual to provide this world with a distinct vision. A leader is courageous enough to make a change on his own. Great leaders don’t pursue different things but they approach the same things with a different insight.”

The Key Official of Digilive believes in team-building with an encouragement to work in harmony to attain a common goal. He doesn’t intervene in the functioning of the team regarding the assigned time to complete the task but he always motivates his team to provide service satisfaction to their clients.

Responsibilities as the Managing Director

Mr. Vikash has a designation that has an aura of responsibilities that an Owner has to carry no matter what the circumstances are. He has to direct and guide the employees along with fulfilling the demands and expectations of the clients. The responsibilities of planning and execution sphere, arranging and managing financial divisions, developing marketing strategies, taking account of the daily activities, identifying and adopting innovative business ideas are efficiently tackled by him.

Successively executing the business is a huge responsibility all by itself and when things don’t work out as per the plan then the situation needs to be handled with a lot of patience. Mr. Vikash also handles other accountabilities like maintaining the coordination and bond with the clients, receiving their frequent feedbacks, ensuring a delightful work atmosphere and most important of them all- to admire the consistent endeavors of the employees.

Dodging the obstacles

Every start-up has its struggle tale to reveal. Mr. Vikash has to put up a struggle while the establishment of the Company. He earned success with the utmost passion for making his mark in the respective field. The most challenging part of the journey he chose to pursue was to jump out of his comfort zone.

Recalling the struggling days of the company, Mr. Vikash says, “ It was very difficult to find the clients, build the trust, crack the good deals and form a qualified and loyal team to execute the planning. Financial management and Result deliverables on time were some of the few challenges which were faced by our team. All of the hardships taught me to be a better version of myself and I succeeded in my motive. Dodging all the obstacles which befell my way, I have become the Owner of a well-reputed company.”

Digilive had to face a lot of challenges to carve a niche of itself. Initially, the company was associated with the small scale Education sectors(Private and Public schools). Slowly, it conquered many challenges and hurdles on its way to start growing in leaps and bounds. The most laborious job was to develop the company’s logo as it was an innovative idea and all the teammates were naïve in the relevant field. But, the team made an all-out effort and succeeded in creating a unique and striking promotional logo.

Inspirational figure

Mr. Vikash addresses his father as his role model. He always looks upon his father whenever he attains any milestone in the professional or personal facade. His father always inspired him to pursue his dreams. Recalling the eloquent quotes told by his father, Mr. Vikash says, “ He always asked and inspired me to chase my dreams. He motivated me by saying that our dreams provide us with the power and potential to chase, create and fulfill what we desire for. I have inherited my work tactics and attitude of being committed, dedicated, punctual and self- motivated by my father only. He is a firm believer and practitioner of simple living and high thinking philosophy.”

Message to the readers

“Obstacles and challenges are the inevitable parts of all kinds of jobs. This life is also full of several hardships that may get into your nerves at times and try to break you down. But, in the end, only you and you can make a difference. We must make sure to surround ourselves with positive people to keep the spirits high enough to provide the best in class performance in any field. If we go through the success story of the CEOs or the Founders of great start-ups, every person was once motivated to initiate and perform miracles in his journey of achievements.” ~Vikash Sorout CEO/Founder


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