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Reddy and Reddy Law Firm: Pioneering Unmatched Legal Services in All Areas of Practice

“What lies beyond one’s dreams, can only be seen when we walk through those dreams with eyes wide open.”

Adv. Sudhir Reddy, Founder, Reddy, and Reddy Law Firm

With a dream of leaving a mark in the lives of people and a mix of, their passion for law and flair for communication, Adv. Sudhir and Adv. Akanksha advanced Reddy and Reddy Law firm into a full-service law Firm catering legal services in the areas of inter alia corporate, litigation, and alternative dispute resolution.

Advocate Sudhir Reddy, Founder, Reddy and Reddy law firm
He holds a degree of law from Pune University and a degree of masters in law from Cardiff University, UK. He is also a qualified and accredited civil and commercial mediator from Align Mediation situated at Oxford, UK and regularly acts as a mediator in civil and commercial disputes, including divorces and family disputes, and that he also intervenes in all types of negotiations. He has expertise in advising and practicing on matters related to banking and finance, land dispute, divorce, and other family law related matter. He has dealt with various high profile cases dealing with economic offenses and financial frauds.

Advocate Akanksha Reddy, Head of Corporate Law Dept., Reddy and Reddy Law Firm
She is the key pillar of the organization, a master in corporate laws, she heads the corporate law department at the Firm, and she combines her dynamic personality and compassionate nature to oversee the entire management of the firm. She goes out of the way to ensure that the entire team is comfortable, and all their needs taken care of.

2010, is the year which marked the start of the firm and since then the Firm has moved forward slowly towards recognizing its aim to provide efficient, effective and creative legal services to meet the distinctive needs of their clients. The firm is a brainchild of Mr. T. R. Reddy, which saw the light of the day due to the joint efforts of Mr. T. R. Reddy and Adv. Sudhir Reddy.

“I owe my existence to my father, Mr. T. R Reddy. This firm became a reality because of his unbiased and continued support. He has also motivated me at the same time his support and contribution during the infant stages of this Firm has played a key role in building this organization. He has always provided constructive feedback and criticism where required. He gave me the opportunity to follow my dream and continue to stand by me until this date. His faith in me has made me the person I am and given me the confidence to aim higher each day” further adds Adv. Sudhir while in conversation with the Business Connect Magazine.

Based in Pune, India, they are continuously etching their way forward to become one of the leading law firms     in the country. Presently, the organization is broadly divided into three departments i.e. Corporate, Litigation and, Alternative dispute Resolution extending efforts  for expertise into areas like- Financial Recovery and related offences, debt recovery, Information Technology Laws, Intellectual Property  Laws,  Environmental Laws, Business and Commercial Litigation, Consumer Protection Laws, Labour Laws, Cyber Laws, White-collar crimes, Competition Laws, Civil and Criminal Litigation etc.

The litigation team at  the  firm  is  highly  experienced in drafting numerous conveyance deeds, testamentary documents etc. and deals with client issues like insolvency, family law disputes, defamation cases and the list continues. In order to achieve a holistic approach while rendering services, they  represent  their  clients  in various courts of law across the country beginning from the lower  courts  to  higher  courts  reaching  up  to the Apex Court of this country, as well as various Tribunals and forums like- Labour Tribunal, National Company Law Tribunal, National Green Tribunal, Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Debt Recovery Tribunal, Consumer Forum etc.

Business Connect: What do you believe makes you more approachable for the client?

Adv. Sudhir: Dreaming and aiming of touching a  zillion lives by way of our expertise runs parallel with being approachable. Our client will not be able to  benefit from our expertise until they feel comfortable and trust that they are in the right hands. Among the various characteristics which make us approachable we believe that the personal time rendered, spontaneity and flexibility are paramount. The legal field is such which  is considered to be complex and carries with it certain stigmas, therefore whenever a client enters the doors of Reddy and Reddy Law Firm, our first aim is to make them comfortable.

We first understand the client’s perspective and accordingly strategize our options. To keep up with the pace with which the legal fraternity is moving, we also encourage out of the box and creative thinking. Once      a client becomes a part of Reddy  and  Reddy  family  the associates leave  no  stones  unturned  for  getting  the desired result for its clients. A balanced mix of professional and personal attitude is that blue diamond amongst the zillion white diamonds which makes Reddy and Reddy an approachable law firm in the city.

Business Connect: What are your firm’s inherent values and ethos?

Adv. Sudhir: The moto that guides the entire team of Reddy and Reddy Law Firm is ‘Ethical, Efficient, and bespoke’. Ethical practice is the very fundamental  pillar of our firm. We lay a strong emphasis on ethics and intent bringing transparency throughout the firm and with the clients. Ethical  practice  never  grows  old, instead, it helps any organization survive in the long run. Efficiency is the ladder with which great leaders scale the heights of success. Knowledge of  one’s profession is incomplete without an efficient application of the same. Every client is new, every dispute is fresh and original, which requires custom made solutions for everyone instead of a ready-made, rigid, and uniform approach.

We at Reddy and Reddy cater to wide strata of the society, therefore value for money, time and emotion is the thread that helps us bind this wide range of clients. Right from its inception, we believe that law is the mirror of the society we live in, therefore giving back  to the society we live in is the least we can do as a Law Firm. Legal aid is deep-rooted in the values and ethos inculcated in each and every member of the firm.

Business Connect: What kind of hindrances came your way, when you started?

Adv. Sudhir: I am fortunate enough to choose a profession that comes naturally  to  me  therefore,  work is not working as it is defined in this era per se. However, it will be unjust to state that we did not face any hindrance. It is not a cakewalk every day. There are difficult days, difficult clients and difficult situations, but that is the time when innovation, common sense and practicality comes to the rescue. When we began the journey, there were times when we had to take that extra step in order to understand the needs of our client. Until and unless you know the needs you cannot cater to them in the best possible manner. It’s not always about approaching the Court of Law, sometimes it’s about preventive measures, settlement, positive and constructive dialogues. We don’t work, instead, we practice and while practicing consistency is the key.

Business Connect: Do you believe in positive competition or competition at all?

Adv. Sudhir: Competition is a human instinct, it is deeply rooted in our psychology. We try to maintain positive energy in and around our organization. Therefore, even competition is looked at in a positive manner. Competition is essential for the growth and development of the team. Competition opens up our minds and broadens our perspective. We at  Reddy  and Reddy Law Firm derive inspiration from our competition. We are our biggest competitors and every day we strive to perform better than the previous day.

Business Connect: How do you ensure the faith of your client in your brand?

Adv. Sudhir: There are two guiding stars in our profession, first the passion for the law of the land, and second, the zeal to deliver client satisfaction. When a client decided to approach us, it is not always that they come with varied expectations. In order to ensure that the client trusts the decisions taken by their counsels, we provide proper reasoning and explanation to our steps which we take. Our client is always aware of all the information regarding the legal help or legal issue he has approached us to resolve. We try to develop that trust by not promising unrealistic results, taking into consideration the perspective of the client and lastly by delivering what is promised. A happy and contented client benefits the firm to the fullest, as spreading the word in our business is the best advertisement required.

Business Connect: Do you feel a loyal and committed workforce is important for success?

Adv. Sudhir: We at Reddy and Reddy Law Firm consider  ourselves  a  close-knit  family.  Loyalty   is the outcome of a sense of belonging and symbiotic relationship. We are a team, we work together, we shoulder responsibility together and we support each other in every situation. Loyalty is a very important aspect and only a loyal team  will  be  able  to  work  and perform to utilize their full  potential  leading  to the ultimate growth and success of the organization. Loyalty, trust, commitment and a sense of belonging  are important to team qualities.

Business Connect: What do you feel holds in the future of the legal system, in this country?

Adv. Sudhir: India being a developing country, our laws and the legal system are still evolving. The entire global outlook towards the legal system is changing and with the increase in cross border commercial  transactions, the alternative mechanisms for dispute resolution have become highly developed.

The early days were characterized by a procedural centric approach which is now developing into a more practical and solution-oriented approach. Even the legislature is bringing about drastic changing in the existing legal framework to suit the needs of the current situations. The judiciary is playing a very important role in spearheading the required amendments by revisiting the interpretation of the law to suit the problems of today. We feel that the overall attitude of the people is undergoing a transformation with increased faith in the judicial system.

Business Connect: What would be the firm culture at Reddy & Reddy? How do you deliver a better expe- rience for your clientele and a nurturing, stimulating environment for your talent?

Adv. Sudhir: We stand by the belief that a law firm functions like a well-oiled machine only when its essential  components  are  kept  intact  and   valued   for their involvement. As against the conventional practices surrounding the legal profession, we provide our associates the opportunity to delve into their ideas and be innovative rather than restrictive to the scope of work assigned to them. The experience of the seniors coupled with the innovative thinking of the juniors is utilized at every possible opportunity as we are a blend of young and old minds determined to provide legal services to the utmost satisfaction of our clients. It can be said with conviction that all the team members of  our firm respect one another irrespective of their age, experience, responsibilities or cultural variations and such an environment has culminated in concluding that anyone working at Reddy and Reddy Law Firm is not just an employee but also a part of an extended family.

We believe that for any organization to function smoothly it is imperative that a positive, comfortable and constructive environment is maintained in the office. We try to keep the energy positive and vibrant   at the office. The interiors and aesthetics of a workplace also play a very significant role in the overall progress of the organization. We are grateful to our Architect “Ms. Sarah Mulla” who has brought a positive flair to the environment with her artistic perspective coupled with our practical needs.

We provide internships on a short-term and  long-  term basis to applicants from law schools pan India. Internships are not only restricted to theoretical based research assignments but are also exposed to practical and  real-life  cases.  We   further   encourage   interns to be more productive and provide their ideas and inputs during team meetings so that the interns may enhance their knowledge base during case discussions which shall be very helpful to them in their individual capacity.

Business Connect: Has the era of globalization and ease of doing business help the firm in marking its presence throughout India?

Adv. Sudhir: We are based in Pune,  however  we  cater our services to clients pan India with operations in major metros such as Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai etc. Pune is one of the fastest growing cities both socially and economically and has witnessed significant and substantial growth of companies including start-ups. We have a well-established and linked network of lawyers all over India through whom we represent our clients  at  various  forums.  We are open to collaborating with other professionals across the globe and expand our foray to satisfactorily cater to a broad and diversified spectrum of clients.

Business Connect: What are you doing that’s different? How is your career conspicuously unique from other legal professionals?

Adv. Sudhir: We began with an office space comprising of a single room catering to just one lawyer and a few files and books. As we grew, not only did the work grew but so did the size of the firm grow and so did the number of lawyers. We are not restrictive to a specific arena of laws but are flexible and accommodating to cater to a varied sphere of legal issues.

Business Connect: Other than work, what else interests you?

Adv. Sudhir: Travelling develops insights. Legal practice necessitates practical knowledge. There can be times that people across the globe are looking at the same issue from different angles and approach. We as lawyers should always have thirst for that. Therefore, traveling remains my core interest after my profession. It helps in broadening of our horizon and draw inspirations from parallel running judicial systems across the world.

Reddy and Reddy Law firm, are strong proponents of Arbitration and Mediation and in pursuance of that, we let our clients indulge as well as succeed in resolving their matters via Arbitration or Mediation purely depending upon their needs. Therefore, we whole-heartedly promote ADR methods which have achieved new heights owing to globalization and technical developments which have paved the path for increased pace as well as ease of doing business.

“The field of law and the role of lawyers in one’s life is often misunderstood. Most people shy away from taking legal advice or consult lawyers until the very onset of a dispute. We understand that there is a social stigma attached to legal proceedings and regarding the judiciary. We need to change this and contribute to upholding the wheels of democracy, viz. liberty, equality, and justice. Taking legal help at the right time will enable you to secure your rights in an effective and efficient manner”, – Adv. Sudhir.



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