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REDVision, Succeeding As India’s Leading Fintech Company

Written by: Yashasvi Khushu

REDVision, Succeeding As India’s Leading Fintech Company

“Clients are the best teachers if you focus on the client’s practice needs and expectations; it’s the best way to develop any product.”

REDVision Technologies

The industry of wealth and asset management has emerged successfully well in the transforming tax and complex environment of government regulations, bringing in a client base that is comparatively more sophisticated and demanding while being risk averse.

A number of new opportunities have popped in the market and the companies today are looking at varying revenue sources while the lines blur and growth makes its way back in.

And in this competitive scenario, firms today have channeled their focus on making their stand strong in the market by providing redesigned business models and aggressive attention on operational and economic competence.

Succeeding in the hustle of this market today, India’s leading Fintech Company, REDVision Technologies has been offering for more than a decade a wealth management platform to financial intermediates with over 2500+ financial intermediates businesses running on the platform, serving over 2.5 Million end portfolio users across the globe.

Established in 2006 and headquartered in Indore, India, the firm is an efficacious effort of Zahiruddin Babar, Co-Founder & CEO and Abhishek Parihar, Co-Founder & CFO. They command a leadership position in the wealth management software industry in India with R&D and prompt customer services.

The Visionaries!

Zahiruddin Babar, Co-Founder & CEO,

As a dynamic techno-financial expert, with technical qualification of Internet Architecture specialist, Ph.D. Scholar researching in the impact of Artificial Intelligence in Fintech, MBA in Financial from IMS, Indore, he brings 16 years of experience of serving the technology and financial industry. Playing multiple roles, he built a business around cloud long before anyone else and brought technological revolution in the financial services industry.

Abhishek Parihar, Co-Founder & CFO

With 14 years of rich experience in financial services industries, Abhishek is the marketing strategist. His last assignment was with the Leading National Distributors of India, he is leading the team of marketing and consulting technical experts for new developments to cater to the growing demand and challenges rising in the market.

In a conversation with Business Connect Magazine, REDVision talks about the most advance plug n play wealth management Platform for the financial advisors, a 360-degree working ability, their working ethos and more,

Business Connect: Tell us more about the need for ROBO advisory app

REDVision: There are a few things that mainly encourage its need;

  • The client onboarding process is the same whether the client is at your office or in Dubai or New York, all it takes 5 minutes process to enable the client his first purchase.
  • Flawless, seamless investment process! Handle number with very fewer employees.
  • Now your business is not depending on your office hours, it’s round the clock open without any holiday throughout the year.
  • RED Vision ROBO advisory Mobile app is powered by a robust back office platform, you can achieve the better technology at comparatively very less amount of Investment, it enables you to compete with Major Brands.
  • Many thousands of investors are searching Google for better financial advisors every month, your online absence is the loss you are making every single day of potential investors.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Automation in business is the future! If you don’t change yourself, the client will change you. This is the time to access, is your business ready for future?

Business Connect: How have you adapted yourself to the latest needs of the market?

REDVision: Our research team remains connected with the end users for their requirements and expectations, we are popular for innovation and quick implementations of ideas. We were the first player launched an online multi-asset platform in India, we also secure the first position to include financial planning and goal tracking with the wealth management platform.

Business Connect: What gives you an edge over your peers?

REDVision: A number of things,

  • USER-FRIENDLY SYSTEM: It is well said “Creating an easy thing is a difficult job”, at REDVision our major affords went in making complex things simple, before our launch the financial planning was considered rocket science and required lots of analytical & quantities skills, but we made it simple for all to use. We regularly received compliments from clients about the easy navigation and simplicity of the system.
  • LISTEN TO YOUR CLIENTS: We observer that the companies who think that client’s demand is an interruption in their work are failed in a very short span of time. We developed a system called idea bank where all the needs and requirement to collect and go through a process of scrutinizing for the further development process.
  • BE THE FIRST THINKER AND FAST MOVER: “Thinking big is not anyone’s proprietary”, in a fast-changing financial industry and growing users expectations, we must get the new ideas first and make it available to users before your competitor bags it.
  • FOCUS ON THE CLIENT’S SUCCESS: Our all discussion starts with a basic question “How will it help clients in growing their business? Client’s growth must be the purpose of any service provider, our success depends on how we make our client successful.
  • ALWAYS BE IN REVOLUTION MODE: Revolution is in REDVision DNA, the name of organization carries “RED” which symbolizes the revolution, it’s always the first point of brainstorming session “what is the next big revolutionary thing we are going to offer in the market?”

Business Connect: Do you see any transformation happening in the entrepreneurial world?

REDVision: Yes, we are living in the age of Tech backed transformation, it’s a revolution, every business is getting scale on the back of technologies, we have countless examples around us of firms who started conquering the whole financial advisory industry, and presently the scope for traditional way of selling and servicing the investors is minimal.

REDVision converts the challenges into opportunities by providing a very low cast ROBO Advisor platform backed by a robust wealth E-office platform, a tradition financial advisor can start a ROBO Advisory platform within 3 hours.

Business Connect: Did you face any obstacle during the initial days?

REDVision: Yes, we started the business during the global recession, it was the best time to learn and set up the optimized process. We adopted the asset-light model, where we kept everything centralized, sale & service was operated from our head office only, this business model helped us in reducing the cost and scaling the business in most rapid ways. Also, the services we provided were prompt.

Reinvesting in business is very important as most of the revenue goes into R&D and making the product better every day, doing the same work in routine with new thoughts leads us towards excellence, right now we are unmatched leader in the market and have created a monopoly in innovation and prompt services, this is the result of the learnings we carried from the initial days.


Business Connect: What manner of wisdom would you like to share for the startups today?

REDVision: For startups, I would like to suggest to make a business model which must be a Self-sustainable, scalable and profitable, your customer wants the best services, not the low-quality one, you will have to work hard on the product & services you are offering, solve the problems of customers and create a difference from the competition.

Business Connect: How do you ensure the unbreakable faith of clients in your company?

REDVision: We have a well-established process with a human touch, as the client gets on-boarded on the system, we appoint a dedicated after sales manager who is single point contact and handholds in case of any query or support. “Communication is the key to Confidence” our sales team keeps the client updated about new offering and features of the product.

Business Connect: What are the efforts made by you not to lag behind in the race of having latest technology?

REDVision: As a technology company we have to be on toes for adding latest technologies, we never compromise on the quality, we use AWS (Amazon Web Service) cloud server for a reliable and stable function of the application and at backend, we use big data technologies for a scaling the application. We have a complete in-house development team which keeps adding new features and tool in our platform to be the first movers in the market.

Business Connect: How much do you rely upon Research and Development for the growth of the company?

REDVision: R&D is the base which keeps our company ahead from a competitor; we have a strong team of R&D which keeps exploring the ideas from various sources, also we have in-depth research on the customer behavior and expectations, we mold our product according to the customers demand.

Business Connect: Tell us something about your staff. How do you ensure their efficiency and positivity towards work in challenging times?

REDVision: Being a niche software company, REDVision considers their passionate team of young professionals, who are dedicated to financial technologies as the company’s most valuable asset and therefore invests heavily in them. The company nurtures their team not just with recognition, transparency and open communication but also by making them a partner in the company’s growth. In the ‘feel like at home’ atmosphere, REDVision achieves the best performance by leveraging self-motivation and freedom married with professionalism, instead of burdening with hefty work pressure that kills creativity. As REDVision is confident that only satisfied employees can make satisfied customers, the company encourages them to work hard and party harder.

Business Connect: What kind of activities do you conduct to keep your employees energized?

REDVision: Instilling the confidence of ‘Yes, I can’ in each of its endeavors, the organization achieves the best performance by devouring self-motivation and infusing professionalism, while also recognizing their contributions towards its growth. Here, every employee gets equal opportunities to grow and earn. Having knowledge sessions as a part of its weekly schedule, REDVision stresses upon case studies, assignments and self-prepared presentations, rather than taking the usual classroom approaches.

Business Connect: In recent times, many cutting-edge technologies such as IoT, AI, and Big Data have changed the modus operandi of business. How has it affected your company?

REDVision: We are the early adopter of Artificial intelligence & Big data, currently, most of the task has been handled by Artificial intelligence, and the flagship services crafted at REDVision empowers its clients to be a part of continuous development while also to relish the bliss of affordable price, which in turn supplements its brand value. Highly celebrated for its in-house online Wealth Management Software named Wealth E-office, the company proffers the ability to serve high net-worth investors by providing in-depth reports, comprehensive financial planning, CRM, goal mapping, lead generation, and auto MF file uploading. This award-winning platform adheres to international standard and has successfully secured one million investors across the globe.

RED Vision has a leadership position in the Indian market, and are planning to hit the capital market with IPO of the company is coming next 2 years, they are serving the growing demand for Wealth Management Products from South East Asia, Middle East, Africa, European and American countries. They are looking forward to planning and executing a launch of wealth management & Financial Planning suits in potential foreign markets.

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