World’s top 10 most travel-obsessed countries in 2024

By Anurag Tiwari

According to the most current outbound travel report given by Business Connect magazine, Finland is officially the most travel-obsessed country in the world. america is the world’s second most travel-obsessed country, trailing just Denmark, Sweden, & Norway.

North Germanic countries are all in the top 5 most travel-obsessed in the world. China is the country’s sixth most travel-obsessed state. the survey ranked New Zealand seventh, followed by Canada, Hong Kong, & Australia in eighth, ninth, & tenth place, respectively.

Here are the world’s top 10 most travel-obsessed countries in 2024

  1. Finland
  2. United States
  3. Denmark
  4. Sweden
  5. Norway
  6. China
  7. New Zealand
  8. Canada
  9. Hong Kong
  10. Australia

world’s top 10 most travel-obsessed countries in 2024

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