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Yield 4 Finance

Yield 4 Finance

Stimulates your business’s global reach

For flagging a name in global marketplace and get ahead of the international competitors, traders are turning towards trade finance solution providers who can assist them to navigate through the unbanked territories where tight regulations, sanctions, and limitations place several impediments in business operations.

The trade finance instruments offered by such institutions can allow effortless access and complex knowledge to deal with a number of bottlenecks in business growth, across the international market.  In this emulous landscape, Yield 4 Finance has emerge out to be an expert who is considerate of complex trade transactions to impart optimal solution for client’s business expansion. As this fascinating edition features some reliable financial consultants, we have earnestly depicted the success story of this phenomenal company on the cover page acknowledging it’s exclusiveness.

As we sat down for a virtual coffee session with the FounderChairman – Sanjeev Chadha, he enlightened us with some unique business insights and intuitive discernment in the cordial conversation.

As a unicorn enterprise with exceptional service portfolio, Yield 4 Finance has made a reputed name in financial consultancy domain. Basically, they are involved in issuance financial trade instruments such as Documentary Letter of Credit (DLC), Bank Guarantees (BG), Standby Letter of Credit(SBLC), and other swift messages to enable the clients in effortless dealing with their trade counterparts.

Such exceptional instruments allow the end-users to grab cross-border opportunities alongside establishing a global presence. Yield 4 Finance facilitates ‘no-strain’ cash flow as it issues instruments from its niche space and banks without collateral and cash margin requirement.

With an exclusive mission to deliver customer-centric financial services to the targeted audience, they aim to carve a reputation of being a NO.1 trusted trade finance solution provider in the upcoming years. The clientele of the company comprises of businesses, primarily traders and contractors as they ceaselessly use bank instruments in their regular course of trade.

Yield 4 Finance commenced its operations after Sanjeev established strategic alliance with several exemplary pioneers in the respective space. He is a seasoned entrepreneur who has ventured into a myriad of industries, which majorly contributed in acquiring valuable experience and professional acumen to efficiently manage an international enterprise.

The iconic dignitary possesses two decades of extensive experience in refined management, operations, and success track record that allowed him to set some robust linchpins for his brain child. His incredible discernment to approach the business operations has carved an eminent position for Yield group in the respective field.

Engineer by profession whereas entrepreneur by passion, Sanjeev began his career excursion as a technical assistant. But the flames of entrepreneurship kept kindling in his heart, prompting him to franchise and develop a management certification and audition company named International Certification Limited (ICL) from a Swiss company. This vary first business venture by him witnessed exponential growth and later, was acquired by Moody International.

He also takes immense pride to have commenced a few group of colleges and software enterprises under the service parasol of ICL. But owing to some unforeseen circumstances, he has to call off everything and start an entrepreneurial excursion from scratch all over again. The Founder intervened the lands of Dubai where a myriad of opportunities thrives here and there. He launched an outstanding business of trade finance there.

“I learned everything about it and coupled with skilful salesmanship, I was soon meeting more than twenty clients in my small hotel apartment in Bur Dubai. Backed by strong principals and firm inclination to closing deals, I never looked back and soon progressed to buying my own office properties in Dubai and India, and even having locations in London and Spain,” reveals the magnate.

Undeniably, the extraordinary inception story of Yield 4 Finance is the end result of sheer dedication and determination and above all, the Founder’s indomitable spirit to go back to the drawing board and paint the picture of his thumping success, which is quite exquisite

Agile and simple are the terms frequently used by them to describe the company’s distinguished business model. From procedures to documentary requirements, the Yield 4 Finance ensures a seamless business workflow even amidst the strict regulation and compliance across the banking sector. This simple yet sophisticated business model was established keeping abreast of the market needs especially acknowledging the volatile trading circumstances

“We effectively recognize the needs of our clients who can fuel their business aspirations and guide them into adherent practices alongside working with the relevant instruments. Our foremost priority is to perform with agility and customer-friendly manner as an alternative to bureaucratic and tedious conventional ways well reckoned to many,” elucidates the Founder

The company has envisioned to revamp the finance space by catering comprehensive solutions at reasonable cost to its adored clientele. Just like their unique business model, the core values proposed by them are also quite exemplary, that include integrity and dependability spurring their growth factor. The Founder claims that such unique values have been the guiding light to them in establishing a prolonged relationship with the client base, alongside fulfilling their commitment to deliver across the board resources.

The respective sector is a key contributor to GDP of most of the major economies, but still, there is a paucity of opportunities and aggressive competitiveness as businesses are unable to bear the expense of owning banking instruments. This is where the company pitches in.

The foremost trouble spot that is being addressed by Yield 4 Finance for its targeted clients is the dearth of business opportunities for MSMEs and unbanked territories pertaining to access the financial tools that can facilitate their imports and projects accordingly.

It extends a robust support with its strategic alliance with the banks and financial institutions to aid traders and contractors to effectively participate in their niche ecosystems. Beyond any doubt, Sanjeev’s insightful stewardship has been paving their path of success by being relevant to the market at its peak.

Talking about its Unique Selling Propositions, the Founder considers that their swift services, collateral and cash margin free offering, nonstringent documentations and firm guarantee of service delivery gives them a leading edge in the market. All these aspects have allowed them to build and nurture a prolonged relationship with their valued clients that can be testified by the rapid client retention and flourishing partnerships.

When asked to shed some light on the entrepreneurial journey and its transformation into a roaring success, the Founder cites that his overall journey involved a fair share of ups and downs. At the age of Four, he lost his beloved father which was quite heart wrenching and then witnessing a major setback in the million-dollar-worth business, when he hit the crescendo of success.

Getting over all these adversities was definitely not a cakewalk, but his adamant zeal to defy all the odds and make a name in the game propelled him to keep forging ahead with heightened spirits. His intuitiveness inspired him to be a disruptor in the industries like the present one.

He just dipped his hands in a multitude of specialities while exhibiting exemplary leadership qualities where his core focus has always been on ensuring holistic development of the individuals associated to his company. Prompted by sheer passion and arduous hard work, Sanjeev became a pioneer to have introduced state-of-theart solutions that are not known but imperative in the present scenario.

The obstacles dodged by him bestowed a righteous sense of perspective over him to sail through the adversities with a positive mind-set and unyielding attitude, which has been his ‘success mantra’ so far. Today, his determined efforts paid off pretty well, making him a well-reckoned name across the domain. But he doesn’t want to limit it to this extent, rather yearns for accomplishing exceptional aims for his valued brainchild.

According to the Founder, R&D has played instrumental role in pick-pointing gaps while initiating regulatory adherent arrangement that can help the clients in numerous ways. For the company’s incessant undertaking of advancement and laying the groundwork for beneficial collaborations, this segment has proved to be crucial.

Owing to their intense R&D programs, they have been able to offering businesses with an offshore account with multiple currency options. And in the same direction, in an collaborative effort with Micro Capitals Bank, the company has been incessantly trying to formulate some outof- the – box products that can contribute to enhance customer experience by making international banking more inclusive.

With the world gradually driving towards a tech-dominated era, businesses also need to be in absolute harmony with tech trends to be relevant in their respective domains. For Yield 4 Finance, technology has been allowing it to establish better communication with its adored clients across cross-border territories. Owing to its international interactions, the company majorly relies upon digital platforms, social media, video conferencing tools, etc, that educate clients and business partners about this field.

“We have also partnered with Micro Capitals Bank who offers offshore accounts opening apart from trade finance services, and it is 100% digital. It allows businesses to have access to bank accounts and various currencies that may be deemed difficult to obtain with their local banks and hinders them from connecting with suppliers abroad,” claims Sanjeev, about their reliance upon the technology

Moreover, they are also about to heavily invest on infusing advanced technology in their business operations to facilitate seamless work flow.

At Yield 4 Finance, the employees have the liberty to voice out their ideas in terms of improving the business operations. In this process, there is a perfect involvement of the workforce with regular brainstorming sessions and adaptation of best industry practices. Transparency and cohesiveness are their foremost priority to deal with the clients while marketing their services, and the administration ensures regular training sessions to the
employees to convey their extraordinary services to their clients alongside being in sync with their core principles.

In the finance sector, integrity and trust are the linchpins to succeed, and the management has always been dedicating its efforts towards this direction. For this, they give credence to more employee engagement that will eventually transform into exemplary customer satisfaction.

In its phenomenal journey so far, Yield 4 Finance has been able to extend its reach to global locations such as London and Spain. While witnessing growth in leaps and bounds, the company has been able to significantly upgrade and add more manpower in its Dubai and India-based offices. Crossing over the expected milestones, their office locations have been shifted to better and bigger localities that foretell their mushrooming growth. Above and beyond these, they have been able to foster alliance with a plethora of firms with international repute and signed multiple licensed agreements with their associates in emerging and lucrative markets.

As the company foresees a brighter and blazing future ahead, it is on the verge of constant improvement while expanding its service wings to newer geographies by inaugurating workstations at five different locations and establishing a steadfast presence in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Africa.

“We are working on innovative products and creating more partnerships to continually assist in trade flows and development projects. Ultimately, we are looking into developing a full-fledged bank that adapts the latest transformational technologies that will address the market gaps and add value to our users,” concludes the Founder.

“Never stop. Persistence is what brought us and what is continually driving our remarkable headway. The rules of the game in this business is always changing, but one must not hold back in striving to keep up and working on pioneering solutions. It is okay to experience downfall as our proponents have, taking inspiration from Richard Branson’s statement- ‘The best businesses come from people’s bad personal experiences’. Like how we help our clients, these businesses are often left unsupported but as they hope to go play on a bigger stage, we bring them a range of possibilities.

Through our agile innovation and quest for integrated support, we hope to uplift even the newcomers who are starting small, and be with them as they work their way through a far-reaching platform. Apart from helping our clients, we also help our team and partners with their personal and professional growth. We invest time and resources in coaching our business partners, even those who does not have the technical knowledge and experience. I believe in anyone’s potential as I was once there.

We believe in everyone’s latent talent, especially those who have the determination and eyes on making leaps in their careers. The first step is to aspire, but persistence is what will drive you to the finish line.” Sanjeev Chadha, The Founder and Chairman.

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