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100s Of Courses at one place, also You can demand we fulfill

Written by Smita Kumar

Time is constantly changing and so is technology. By the time one starts to learn a particular technological development or related course, the person realizes that the technologies are also advancing at a rapid pace. Talking about advanced technology such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Drone Technology, Self-Driving cars, Health care predictions and many more, doesn’t have any barrier and advancement is so rapid that maintaining pace with self-update is essential.

But for obvious, if not aligned with newer advancements, one will lag behind and for sure time would leave them. They would find themselves obsolete concerning technologies in no time.

“By the time we get to the 2040s, we’ll be able to multiply human intelligence a billionfold. That will be a profound change that’s singular. Computers are going to keep getting smaller and smaller. Ultimately, they will go inside our bodies and brains and make us healthier, make us smarter”, this has been wonderfully quoted by American inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil. And, the quote refers to the above too.

All these together are assisted by and it is ensured that information and knowledge reach the learners. Among these are the organizations which provide online education and one of them is iNeuron. They strongly believe mere education is not enough but Industry-specific practical education is the only way to get the workforce ready. In a nutshell, the company aims at quenching the knowledge thirst of the people through its platform with a primary focus on practical implementation enabling the candidate to seamlessly transition into the industry, since iNeuron focuses on creating job-ready candidates.

With a mission to ramp up an industry-ready workforce providing real-time experience in advance development, iNeuron is coming up with an Innovation Lab that could be used to conduct experiments, promote R&D and incubate ideas of students who generally lack the resources required to do so. The vision and mission are to help candidates and visionaries who lack exposure to advance development requirements and industry expertise.

Let us know iNeuron more-

Snapshot of iNeuron
is a well-established name in the community as a quality online education provider as well as a product-driven organization working on state-of-the-art projects both for domestic and international clients. The expertise in product development tends the company to help the community and aspiring students looking to get advanced research-based learnings such as Computer Vision, Deep Learning, NLP, Auto ML, and Machine Learning along with industry graded knowledge in warehousing, security, surveillance, healthcare, e-commerce, telecommunication and inventory management.

The organization’s educational training division caters to affordable, high quality and research paper-based AI education in Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and NLP in addition to big data & cloud computing provided along with practical knowledge via live projects.

The Idea Behind iNeuron
Sudhanshu Kumar, Founder & CEO, iNeuron shares his beliefs along with the plans for the near future.

The visionary says, “The idea behind starting the company was to make education affordable and practical, whether it’s technical or non-technical education, we always wanted to make things affordable for all. At the same point, high-quality content directly benefiting to learners. We have been trying to build all the tech and non-tech modules in such a way that it is going to help learners without paying a premium price even for advanced level of courses. So, whoever is going to take our classes or join courses, any kind of program, whether its college students or professionals or even a person willing to make a transition into a certain industry, is benefitted.”

He adds, “The whole idea here was not to just teach them and leave to find the way of utilising learning experience but we handhold them and provide real industry-grade development learning and exposure so they could build and develop confidence. When they go for an interview or a transition, they see the difference. The fact could not be ignored that both the above would always require their knowledge gained during work or some sort of experience.” 

Sudhanshu later states that unless and until someone is getting their hands dirty in real-time experiencing working with industry grade projects, it would not solve the purpose during the interview or transition. Learning alone would not help.

It is evident if the person or team started a project from scratch, they are the best mentors to speak about that project. Similarly, unless a person does not involve himself directly in product development till deployment it’s not possible to get the correct sense, skills or expertise which the industry demand. iNeuron talks about expertise all the time with every student and works towards that motive only.

According to CEO iNeuron, “We are trying to offer different programs- Be it Machine Learning, Computer Vision, or any other. What we have figured out is that the candidate always looks for hand-holding. Hand-holding here refers to the student or professional requiring someone for clarification of doubts and guidance. This can happen anytime including night hours and if s/he gets someone to clarify their query, interest is not lost and the person wants to cover it as soon as possible and moves towards implementation.This kind of learning was not available in the market so far. We have started these types of facilities and the courses at an affordable price, whereas these services are costing  Rs. 3 to 5 lakhs in the market. We provide within the same bracket and for just Rs. 3000, that too with super facilities. ”

iNeuron education is unique because of its offerings and features, As said by Krish Naik “We don’t count when it comes to the benefit of learners. We have a strong team to support our learners, which means at any time support team is ready to resolve the issue then and there. We are coming up with an “Education As-a-Service” platform called “One Neuron” ready to revolutionize the entire learning industry. The details are out soon and will be made public by mid of December.

Sudhanshu also said that “One Neuron” platform is full of features and actual learning control is given to students/ learners that means we honour students demand whether ask is for the topic explanation, doubt clearing, query resolution even can ask for the new course or project. Learners can also raise a request to work with us and experience the development in real-time. He also added that we handhold the person for their resume preparation and set up a mock interview session with the candidate. All-inclusive of purchasing ‘One Neuron’.”

An open internship portal could also be witnessed with participation in 570+ projects. These could be research projects, basic projects, development projects as per the industry standards.

Serving Community
iNeuron has a mission to empower every student with knowledge without any discrimination. Many courses are made available for the public without any charges. Sudhanshu said that “iNeuron does not ask for fees for the internship. Interns are assisted and more than 1.5 lakhs have been engaged in the same. In totality, over 35966 enrolments are done”. The company claims to be seeing multi-thousand transitions and placements in around two years.

Placements, as well as transitions, have been witnessed in India, the USA, the UK, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, etc. This is meant for college students and people doing research.

Education is where you need to connect with the team especially since the tech industry requires a direct connection.

iNeuron talks about the solutions, it provides to support every stage of the growth of the people (students or professionals).

Innovation Lab for the Public
Sudhanshu informs, “Within a span of two to three months, a public innovation lab will be opened for the people. Currently, it is only for internal employees. Initially, it will be started in our head office Bangalore. People could come and they could experiment. Whether Cyber security, Artificial Intelligence, Drone technology, if individuals want to conduct experiments in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, these kinds of equipment or labs would not be available at other places. Seeing this, we are creating this kind of lab for the public.”

Sudhanshu adds that they want to create more and more engineers. Keeping this in mind, they would be making everything available in the lab because they believe engineering doesn’t mean one has to keep studying the books. There is some other meaning added to it which implies finding out or developing something. For example, if one has to make a self-driven car, the person needs proper engineering labs, innovation labs, research person, proper equipment, and infrastructure.

It would be ensured that the lab is made available for the public free of cost and around 1000 people could work together. This would be under ‘Education as a service.’

You Ask We Provide
Sudhanshu acclaims, “Suppose if one is willing to understand about a project and in due course, new technology enters in the market which is not made available easily. We are going to treat the person as a client and pay merely 5 to 6K, the demand would be executed i.e. made available. That too within 60 days of the period since the demand was raised. This is a simple concept with multi-facilities.”

Challenges faced by Learners
The very first thing is that many learners are not aware of the direction. They just don’t know what to do in terms of transition etc. On the other hand, some of them are in a dilemma whether it is possible or not. The major challenge is once they start, they are not aware of the transition where exactly they have to go. As a result, they fail in interviews because those interviews always focused on what work experience, they have and not a learning-based career.

iNeuron provides them not just one but multi-level of support,

Holistic Approach
Sudhanshu states, “We don’t develop a particular skill of the learner because that wouldn’t help in a particular interview, instead we always try to build a person as a complete person who could talk about each and everything. For example, communication, designing.”

Sudhanshu believes that any company on earth can’t survive without continuous improvement and enhancing capabilities. He asserts, “Things are changing fast, and if I try to follow the same thing which I was practising ten years back, failure is certain because the technology has already evolved. A capable engineer has to adopt, do their own research and innovations.”

Marketing Skills
As per iNeuron- We do community things a lot. Instead of telling everyone, we have this, we have that, we go for some other way. We feel that is not a correct approach to communicate to your audience. What we do is that we showcase that we would provide them with a platform where they would directly experience a few exclusive things along with others. These would be of the utmost quality.

Target audience
For iNeuron, anyone from the education sector from a college student to a research student comes under the target audience.

As far as the development aspect is concerned, agriculture, warehousing, healthcare, industries, hospitals, office (surveillance), etc. are the target audiences.

About the founder
The 2014- pass out has done his PG Diploma in Statistics. Sudhanshu’s first company where he worked, was Wipro. He says, “The need of the market and the gap are to be understood. I did all the required research and work and then I am here for 1.5 years with iNeuron.”

Sudhanshu explains, “As far as leadership skills are concerned, it simply takes nothing to name yourself and you do not need skills also. On the other hand, the actual challenges come when you start a thing, alone u could not! You need a marketing and support team. You have to be most updated with what is happening around in terms of technology.”

Work Culture
According to Sudhanshu, “We are a start-up and have given various facilities to our staff members. Be it a junior developer or senior one, their ideas are most welcome. More preference is given to good suggestions than a degree.”

Major Achievements
The major achievements of iNeuron incorporate research & development which has been performed a lot, adopted new trends hugely, and got AICTE –approval for BTech and MTech courses. Tie-ups with colleges have been done. The company is moving ahead, being aware of the vigorous competition. Among the USPs is providing education in a completely different manner.

Revolutionizing the Education Sector
i-Neuron does not believe in just e-learning but revolutionizing the entire education sector. The traditional method of learning and acquiring knowledge would be completely changed to save time. For example, instead of just a four-year degree course in engineering, it would be ensured that they acquire experience and skills.

Biggest Learning
The confident CEO says, “It’s a journey, where you learn on a daily and continuous basis. Now we learn things from experiences and customers, market, perspectives, and pain points.”

Message to Young Entrepreneurs
The luminary advises, “It takes nothing to call yourself a Founder or CEO post the start of a company. You should ensure that you have done adequate homework before running a company. The homework consists of proper involvement including research day and night, financial planning, and then the team. You should not forget it is the people who build the organization.”

Further, Sudhanshu talks about the product that no one would buy it however good it is. He believes, “Entrepreneurship is not a 9 to 6-job. Hard work and intellect are going to fulfil the demand of the market.”

Mentioning PPT as briefed earlier, he says ‘Person, People, and Team’, he explains, “Think of the people whom you are trying to provide something. Think from the other side. Firstly, Person refers to an individual who is to provide offerings, then the People, and lastly, the Team which would be having those who are there to assist and work together.”


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