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With the recurring transitions across the financial space, financial planning has earned a crucial and niche importance. Livelihood has to go on, no matter what, and solutions must amend to smarter methods for a strategic upper hand. Smart financial planning has become a roaring trend in the Financial space in the past few years. Leveraging the increasing application of digitization, many young innovators have devised full-stacked Fin-Tech platforms that enable customers to make informed financial decisions.

A popular name in that trove is Mr Abhishek Kumar, Managing Partner, Ingenetus. His innovative Fin-Tech platform is a single-window for tailored consultancy on diverse financial concerns. Its promising solutions and revering global presence qualifies it for inclusion in our upcoming edition, “Top 10 Most Trusted Financial Consultants in 2021”.

Ingenetus was found with a sound vision, ‘To be the most preferred entity for Financial Planning decisions providing the most innovative end-end services on a constant basis’ to both individuals and corporates. It has decades of experience in financial advisory and commands an outstanding presence across 20+ leading financial companies, including Private banks, PSUs, Private Insurance. It has a diverse portfolio of premier solutions, such as:

  • Investment Advisory
  • Lending Advisory
  • Insurance Advisory
  • Tax Planning and Estate

Planning – everything stacked in a digital platform having easy but secure access.

With a bouquet of smart services, Ingenetus has emerged as a revered and trusted name in the global financial space. It has a small yet robust team, which drives its prospects and empowers its values. It has a strong presence in several Indian metros as well as Tier 1, 2, and 3 cities and serves clients across South Africa & Canada.

In 2012, Abhishek decided to shape a holistic enterprise that upholds the values of client-centricity. He has an extensive background in finance and has good cognizance of its challenges. While working as a Wealth Manager in an International Bank, Abhishek found that the financial consultancy was more inclined to revenue generation than understanding client’s concerns. “I’ve seen cases of retirees being sold ULIP products tied to equity markets while they were looking for a retirement income stream.”, he added. These impediments set forth the course of Ingenetus. Abhishek envisioned need-based financial planning more than revenues, and it bore rich fruits.

Ingenetus has created a niche through its methodical advisory that adheres to Goal Planning, Risk Assessment and Understanding Tenure. Its advisory is accredited by the Financial Planning Standard Board Ltd., USA (FSPB), ensuring the highest standard in ethics, knowledge and experience. The coveted accreditation is achieved by rare but acclaimed financial advisors, in India. Whether it’s Investment, Insurance, Lending or Tax & Estate Planning, Ingenetus lays down a customized advisory that ensures the best ROI. The Company’s vision is to be the most preferred name for financial consultancy. With adept resources and talent on board, Ingenetus aims to deliver knowledge-based solutions that enable informed Financial Planning decisions.

The radical developments in technology are altering the framework of every segment. And without question, Smart financial solutions have had a dynamic shift in technology utilization. To keep up, Ingenetus’s team analyses both qualitative and quantitative measures using research tools and output stream for recommendations. The output stream stays dynamic to the market, and the recommendations help create solutions for all kinds of investors.

“50% of our revenues are obtained from Investment Advisory vertical and naturally draws the heaviest R&D,” opines Abhishek.

Besides, organic development, research and analytics also help in conquering challenges. During the inception, Abhishek was juggling multiple responsibilities, like Industrial empanelment, figuring out office spaces, client management and entering transactions. This is followed by recruiting competent people and acclimatizing to digitization. But, his ability to think in-depth helped in procuring opportunities from the challenges. Adjusting to digitization was a big challenge.

Back then, there were a handful of digital transaction platforms and platforms by AMCs required endless research and an industry consolidator. But as soon as it got its hands on an NSE transaction platform, all it needed was backend software to consolidate customer data. With time and evolution, digitization broke down geographical barriers paving the way for a global presence.

As mentioned above, Ingenetus has grown with the changing tides of innovation in finance. In 2018, it took the first step towards digitization and incorporated paperless KYC processes, account creation, financial analysis and transactions. Afterwards, they brought in a Financial Planning software – an in-house research tool for Fund comparison, Factsheets, Model Portfolios and creating Financial Plans.

The Ingenetus app is their most recent example of innovation & creativity, offering clients a real-time and analytical understanding of the financial picture. While the app has proven to be highly beneficial, it’s not the final destination. Ingenetus plans to optimize clients’ delight by:

  • Attaching customer’s investment account with bank accounts, allowing 3rd party payments for utility and insurances
  • Extracting their credit data for lending solutions

With eyes on customer satisfaction, Ingenetus has evolved from Mutual Fund Distributors to Financial Planners. The platform caters to 400+ retail and corporate clients, including self-employed individuals, CXOs, promoters and retired personnel as well. Its offerings range from Financial Planning for individuals to Treasury assistance to Group Insurances for SMEs to Working Capital requirements for corporates.

Ingenetus keeps its sails high on the values of Integrity & Respect, Mentorship, Client Satisfaction and Transparency & Trust. Their confluence sustains transparency and keeps employees on a prolific track. In other words, it ensures better employee engagement, robust culture and a freewheeling communication channel. Also, employees get to proffer and apply innovative ideas and creativity.

Ingenetus has a 360° feedback mechanism for employees to share the Company’s prospects and ideas with teammates and how to raise the bar of quality. A robust Performance Management System includes the following-

  • Continuous Review
  • Annual Review

Individual efforts amounting to a scalable revenue are appraised by the Company. The in-house transparency is also ensured with clients to steer clear of escalations.

While Covid-19 proved an illustrious hurdle to every business, those in the digital space got a major upper hand. Ingenetus’s business is closely linked to market performance, and since it took a hit, the Company turned to its non-market solutions, such as Tax Planning and Estate planning. On the other hand, the period took them through a moving transition from a traditional model to a digital milieu. Digital channels were established to stay connected to clients.

Monthly webinars were conducted to stay connected to customer’s finances and emotions assuring them that they were there with them in those difficult times.“We even brought leading experts, including Fund managers, to interact with the investors to put them at ease,” adds Abhishek. The out-of-the-box route to increase sales efficiency proved fruitful. Ingenetus also conducted Financial awareness programs to acquire more Pan-India customers.

Starting in 2012, it took a lot of endeavours and hard work of Abhishek and his team to take Ingenetus to the point it is today. However, the quest is marked by several milestones and accolades. Few of the notable milestones are:

  • Earned the epiphet ‘Champion Partner’ and ‘Platinum partner’ from multiple Asset Management Companies
  • 2021, Shalini Gera, Senior Partner, Ingenetus, was accredited by FSPB with a Certified Financial Planning Certification
  • 2021, awarded by TATA Asset Management as Key Partner for Q4 FY’21 performance

In a broad sense of prospects, Ingenetus seeks to become “The most reputed and respected Financial Brand in India”. And to do so, it aims to expand to Mumbai and South Indian territories. It plans to include an additional pipeline of Stock Advisory in its platform. Contrarily, Ingenetus plans to provide ESOPS for developing employee’s loyalty and performance. Ingenetus also aims to become an Asset Management Company as a long term plan.

“A worthwhile advisor is a stepping stone to success. He won’t hold you back rather encourage and support you to reach newer heights of success.” – Abhishek Kumar, Managing Partner, Ingenetus.

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