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Hair Restoration, Let ‘New Roots’ Escalate Your Million Dollar Confidence

Hair Restoration, Let ‘New Roots’ Escalate Your Million Dollar Confidence

“You are born to be winner and winners don’t make excuses.” Dr. Nilesh Pund

Everyone needs solid and gleaming hair to display. Be it a man or woman, the need for it does not differ. The hair restoration market has been the focal point of fascination for quite a while now. Individuals who are losing hair are by all account not the only ones who have put their enthusiasm in the industry, but also the individuals who simply are seeking a change to their hairline or just need to achieve an appealing look are likewise testing.

And for the same bunch of people, New Roots Hair Transplant centre serves as a platform for Hair Transplant procedure in different cities of India like Aurangabad, Nashik, Pune, and Nagpur. They offer quality service with maximum results at an affordable cost which is hardly available in most of the hair transplant centres.

Now days looking good is the most important matter of self-esteem. Hair Plays an Important Ornamental Role in One’s Life. Hair transplant is a procedure which can give exceptional results with the well handed artistically and scientifically known surgeon. The success of your F.U.E treatment depends upon the experience of your surgeon. Dr. Nilesh Pund, Founder, New Roots Hair Transplant clinic brings for the ease of people, solutions to look forward to and a team of trained and skilled surgeons.

Dr. Nilesh Pund

He completed post graduate diploma in medical trichology after completion of masters in surgery. He is the founder and director of new roots hair transplant centre which was started in Jan-2011. In initial days he started with F.U.T. technique and now very expert in both F.U.T & F.U.E procedures. He is acclaimed to be very well known in surgical skills along with the passion of serving mankind.

In a conversation with Business Connect Magazine, Dr. Nilesh Pund taking us on a tour of the company essentials and ideologies,

Business Connect: How do you feel you are different from your competitors?

Dr. Nilesh: Only our centre offers the assurance because we work to the full satisfaction of the patient and our goal is to achieve the optimum beauty level of their hair related to their customers. The reason for assuring our patients is that we avoid bruising and mishandling every step involved in the hair transplant process.

We have a habit of augmented and improved graft handling which is possible due to the standard quality of imported materials, equipment. We have been working since 2011 and we have not gone through any situation, we corruption has not developed, we satisfy all our customers to satisfy them.

We do not offer rates depending on grafts as we work till the whole bald scalp is covered to appreciable & required density, which is the specialty of our work.

Business Connect: Did you see any transformation happening for start-ups, over the years in your field?

Dr. Nilesh: Yes, 2011 was an era where people only knew about hair transplant but unaware of the technique and the knowledge required to the patient. After 2013 we saw a drastic change and awareness in the knowledge of people regarding hair transplant due to simplification and understanding the technique. From the day the social network included A to Z about hair transplant and continued till today.

Business Connect: Did everything come easy, or you have your story of struggle?

Dr. Nilesh: When we started there was a tremendous lack of knowledge and awareness in the minds of people. Day by day we struggled and gain faith in the minds of people regarding us. Result oriented and safety-ness regarding the treatments of hair transplant was the main issue in target audience but now our result in the previous patient proved that we gave a result with safety.

Business Connect: What kind of clients do you serve, any special mentions?

Dr. Nilesh: Previously it was a belief that hair transplant could be done only by a celebrity or rich people. But now we have achieved to serve even the middle-class group which are lacking social issues in society due to baldness with the help of the finance system. We emphasize creative approach to hair restoration and New Roots hair transplant gives you not just hair but style to make you look & feel a million dollars which gives the confidence to achieve your personal goal.

Business Connect: How do you keep pace with the changing market trends?

Dr. Nilesh: We understand our reach to target audience one step ahead and reach through multiple channels we are standing successfully till date only due to R & D. And of course we do change every day to become outstanding with help of extraordinary results.

Business Connect: Do you still come back to work with the same zeal, like you did when you started?

Dr. Nilesh: Our zeal increases day by day by the motivation of our satisfied patient. I think only entrepreneurs hold the capability to feel the future and obviously future will garland with the success. It is very necessary to hold on and build a staff with time that helps you grow and at each step affirms your belief in the fact that the company is not made up of machine or buildings only, it is the group of employees who are the heart of the company as well.

Business Connect: What are the achievements and milestones of the company?

Dr. Nilesh: We have received best hair transplant clinic award in 2018 from ABP NEWS AND WORLD HEALTH CONGRESS. To serve globally and make The India hub for hair transplant. We also serve our patients the complete emotional satisfaction and confidence which they lack when they come to us at first. We also have created employment to various channels to the needy people.

The eventual fate of hair restoration looks very promising, given the same number of new, therapeutic and careful medications ought to hit the market soon. Hair culture looks to be a refreshing choice if your hair strand can be recreated in the research centre to make numerous new hair strands and after that embedded in your scalp.

“I follow the likes of Richard Branson, founder of Virgin group who believes that you don’t learn to walk by following rules, you learn by doing and falling over”

Dr. Nilesh Pund

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