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Seven Tips To Stay Balanced In Your Business And Life

Written by: Avishek Singh

How two important factors of life should be inter-related

Once a little boy entered his father’s room. The kid politely asked him how much does he earn in an hour. ‘Rs. 500’ replied his dad. So the child requested for Rs 300. Father got angry at the child for disturbing him and replied that he wouldn’t give the boy any single coin to buy a stupid toy or a video game. The child left the room quietly.

After a while when the Dad realised that he shouldn’t have reacted, he walked to his son’s room quietly and happily handed him Rs 300. The kid became very happy and ran upto his desk, took out some crumbled notes and gave it back to his father saying thats this is Rs 500 for you. ‘Can you please come home an hour early tomorrow, I want to have dinner with you’.

A lot of time we become so occupied in our life that we are not able to manage the work and the family life. Your family requires your time. So does your business. You need to attend a parents teacher meeting and you absolutely can’t miss the project deadline.

Your wife needs you to patiently have your breakfast, shop for the family needs, occasionally go out for a movie, help her in the household chores and your work has it’s own set of expectations. A lot of businessmen struggle to find out the right mix. Yes, in a real world magic doesn’t work. The good news is, planning does.

Here we share seven tips you can follow to stay balanced in your business and life.

1: Plan out your day: A well planned day gives you adequate time to manage your work. Yes, some days you may have an emergency meeting which possibly goes on longer than expected, yet on most occasion, a thought out day make things easier to manage. To plan out your day, all you need is your smart phone. Go to your calendar and set up the meeting time. Utilise your note making section in your phone and write down your day. 5-7 minutes of investment in planning ahead saves a lot of time.

2: Meditate: Don’t worry about doing it right. Just sit in a quite place, close your eyes and concentrate on your breath. This is one of the best ways to keep your anxiety under control and increases your productivity immensely.

3: Stay Positive: There’s much negativity around. Entrepreneurs need to stay positive and keep away from distraction. One good way of doing this is to watch, read and discuss good news. Discuss ideas, not people. Pick up your phone and talk to a good old friend. Step out and play a game of badminton.  There are so many good things happening in your life. All you need to do is to look at it differently.

4: Prioritise things: Know your duties and prioritise them in oder of urgency. Saying No to an extra project doesn’t mean you are giving up. It means that you are self aware of your responsibilities  and is  not willing to take on a duty as of now which you won’t be able to do it qualitatively. Prioritising stuffs will not only help you save time, it also increases your focus on important projects. This counts for a happy life.

5: Disconnect: While business men have no fixed start and stop time, yet you need to bring this up in your to do list that there has to be a time when notifications in your mobile phone is turned off. Interact with your family member. Have a good conversation. Know their interests. Help a child in the family to complete his school project. This is a great technique to rejuvenate your mind.

6: Stay Healthy: Your business is entirely dependent on your health. Just like a vehicle doesn’t move forward without petrol, a plant doesn’t grow without water, a child isn’t educated without school, similarly your business wont survive without you. You absolutely need to take care of your body. Do not skip your breakfast. Have regular meals and eat a light dinner.

7: Be clear with your vision: Last but not the least, you need to know what you are working for. Lack of clear vision has been a reason for a downfall since ages. Write down your dreams and see them everyday. This keeps the motivation high.

The more balance you have between work and life, the more will be the happiness and higher will be the success.

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