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World Environment Day | Business Connect

Written byDr Amit Mishra

Caring for Nature is vital for our survival: World Environment Day

“We have been born and brought up in such a surrounding where Nature is regarded as God and the worship of Nature is considered worthwhile, also, where protection of Nature has been linked with human emotions. So, on this auspicious day, Let us take the pledge to protect our mother earth and design one of the best innovative plans for making it clean and green.

The rainy season is about to arrive, So, Let us take steps towards plantation of a sapling in our locality and not only this we should take care of the sapling until and unless it grows properly. We should have a congenial relationship with the environment and try to live together with Nature” Prime Minister,India, Mr. Narendra Modi (On the occasion of World Environment Day 2019)

On 5th June, every year World Environment Day is celebrated, the main rationale for celebrating is to help raise awareness about the protection of nature. United Nations marks a distinct focus to commemorate the day; the theme of this year 2019 is “Beat Air Pollution”. The theme announced calls for a quick action to combat the global crisis as it affects every little thing from smog, asthma-like respiratory diseases to Global warming. Recent figures indicate that air pollution kills every year more than 8 million people, harms the growth of a child, damages economies and contributes to climate change across the globe.

Clean air and water are fundamental essentialities for sustainable healthy human life. It plays a vital role in health, safety, security, and flourishing of the human race and ecology. In recent years, the issue of pollution has worsened in India, almost National Pollution Emergency like situation, because of the increased urbanization, vehicle emissions, industrialization, deforestation, dying rivers, and negligence of the concerned authorities. Ground-level ozone (O3), particulate matter, lead (Pb), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and carbon monoxide (CO) are the chief pollutants of the air.

It’s high time to broaden the basis for an enlightened opinion and take responsible initiatives and conducts in preserving and enhancing the environment, otherwise, future generations will experience suffering from the ill effects in large. In recent years, Start-ups business has come-up in good numbers offering innovative solutions to combat rising air pollution. Made-in-India air quality monitors, masks, purifiers, and other products have also entered in India’s market of cleantech Start-ups to help citizens fight pollution and provide comfort breathing.

According to a recent survey, In Delhi itself, around 91% people suffer from respiratory ailments like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, and cardiovascular issues due to bad air quality. It is also a threat to children, pregnant women, and newborns. According to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), the PM10 level (µg/m3) and the PM2.5 level (µg/m3) has recorded worse values of 152 and 195 respectively, while the Air Quality Index (AQI) was recorded 206 (June 05, 2019, 4 PM), which has possible health effects as breathing discomfort to most people on prolonged exposure.

Air pollution harms our health and the planet. To ensure a better future we need to take care of Nature. In India, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has come up with a new song “Hawa Aane De” to commemorate World Environment Day 2019 to give a message to the people across the world to save mother earth by conserving Nature. Akshay Kumar, the famous Bollywood actor is seen in the song as the leading actor, other appearances are of Vicky Kaushal, Rajkumar Rao, and a few others.

Recently, a new law in the Philippines (South-East Asia) requires school and college students to plant at least 10 trees if they wish to graduate. If implemented properly, this action could lead to at least 175 million trees to be planted each year!

A small company of committed Youths, Citizens, and Young Entrepreneurs can take a firm pledge to protect nature & environment by saving energy, water, reducing use of plastics, avoid use of Air Conditioners, Fridge or Refrigerator, reduce in use of automobiles, promoting reusable materials, use of organic products, planting saplings and reducing dependence on fossil fuels by adoption of renewable energy sources like Solar Energy which altogether can revolutionize the world. If we start nurturing mother earth by providing a green cover, she will definitely nurture us!

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