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Empowering relationships in the modern age- by Dr Ramon Llamba

Empowering relationships in the modern age- by Dr Ramon Llamba

Do you feel quite overwhelmed while dealing with your emotions when it comes to your relationships?
Are you helpless in managing your emotions or reactions as you interact with your loved ones? Dr Ramon shares a ‘sure short formula’ in the form of 5 secrets to relationship management based on her more than two decades of industry expertise. Dr Ramon emphasizes that relationship is the key to mastery in people management- be it on a personal or professional front.

From joyous relationships to successful businesses, emotion management aids every aspect of our life to experience happiness and satisfaction, as per Dr Ramon. Here, she urges every person reading this fascinating article to follow these 5 life-changing tips to witness their relationships upgrade to another level.

Thereby, let’s dive into the pool of profound knowledge shared by Dr Ramon in this exclusive draft that we believe will help many people stuck in an emotional void.

1. Be conscious all the time- Firstly, we must acknowledge the difference between the conscious and the unconscious mind. As per human psychology, the auto- programmed unconscious mind is formed of past experiences where a majority of information is negative. This auto programming triggers negative emotions within us unconsciously. So, the first step is to train our mind to stay conscious and breathe in order to comprehend people’s mental state that could allow us to unlock the hidden secrets of the universe and relationships.

2. Train yourself to respond not react- Reactions only induce negative emotions or energies. Anger, fear, sadness, irritation – are the reactive measures that are triggered by the way people are behaving with us. When you react to a certain behaviour showcased by an individual, you put that person in an emotional and vibrational threat that causes them to react back. This cycle keeps on going without any objective, causing immense loss of energy. For this, training yourself to listen, be patient and respond to any situation leads to better results and creates infinite possibilities in terms of your relationships.

3. Understand the depth of emotions- We live in a world of vibrations. This universe has a thumb-rule law that says- whatever goes around, comes around. Similarly, in any dynamics of relationships, be it personal or professional, if you make it about them, they will make sure to make it about you in return for sure. It is like creating a fulfilling space or vibration where the universe steps in multiplying the things that you aspire for.

4. Enlarge your circle of tolerance- When you dive deep into human psychology, we can say we come from our past experiences or memories. For sure, there is no benchmark to determine how humans should function. Stop expecting people to behave the way you want them to be as no one is here to live up to your expectations. When you align yourself with other people without any expectation, you are again just creating a vibrant space of infinite possibilities where the core objective of the relationships is effortlessly achieved.

5. It’s all about Karma- Never overlook the fact that every individual you come in contact with has some unfinished business with you and there is a karmic connection between the souls! Looking at the dynamics of relationships from the standpoint of Karma, you leave your identity as the victim and become a creator of your emotions as well as your destiny. Don’t forget that we are here to fulfil an objective and every single person you come in contact with, at the core, is the pure being seeking the ultimate bliss.

Furthermore, acknowledging the fact that we have been behaving as per our animal instincts rather than being consciously aware of our patterns so far will allow us to perform in a better way. To make people understand this fact, Dr Ramon proceeded to explain, “We as human beings have a major portion of divinity within us. But several external factors have propelled us to make our animal instincts prominent in our personalities. We have lost the grip of that divine nature in the form of light within us. It’s high time we recognize this being within us and take hold of our destiny by addressing our emotions and behaviours.”

To comprehend the deeper psychology of the human mind, we must take a deep dive into some factual information that is vague to a majority of the global population. Basically, there are two types of bodies- the physical body (made up of atoms/ tangible) and the energy body (intangible/ prana body defined by our emotions). Our energy body that is affected by emotional factors is the pre-scripted blueprint of how the physical body will be carved. So, when inside the mother’s womb the energy body will be heavily affected by the emotional environment.

This emotional information that we have received from the womb becomes the foundation of the overall psychological structure manifesting as our genetic and behavioral destiny. “Whatever the psychological patterns- joy, despair, fear, anger, anxiety, etc. – an expecting mother goes through is absorbed by the cells of the fetal body in the form of cellular memory, based on some specific vibrations.

Eventually, these vibrations become the baby’s existential reality once he comes out of the womb. Every emotion we feel is nothing but the chemical released from our brain, stimulated by the quality of thoughts we are processing. So, every thought is a command that generates the production of these chemically controlled emotions.

Hence, this fact needs our sheer attention that more than 50 % of our programming has already been done way before we came into this world. And as we are evolving from an emotional body to a physical body, our emotional being needs to be nurtured in the first place compared to our physical dimension. Nurturance, touch, love and belonging- are the mandatory needs that should be fulfilled by the biological parents for the comprehensive growth of the human being,” affirms the inspiring luminary.

Dr Ramon further explains that when such emotional needs are not met in early childhood, humans start perceiving life as a threat. When parents or caretakers slam their children in a way that they unconsciously pick up the message that they are not good enough or not worthy of love, then all the psychological turmoil starts manifesting in their lives.

However, the auto programming within us can be altered by consciously addressing our damaging behaviours as we are not meant to be the same way for the rest of our lives. Irrespective of your past experiences or the fetal memory, one can make a difference to one’s life sophisticatedly as the worst thing one can do is to not do anything in this direction and project all negative emotions to other people, scarring them.

“Mankind has made everybody on this planet carry some emotional and psychological wounds that are majorly manifested during the age of adolescence- when the mind is so confused seeking the true identity of our existence. This leads the youths to draw towards the feeling of numbness that they find in different forms of substance abuse. All of these hassles could effortlessly be relieved once we reprogramme the concerned person, aiding him in the journey to identify his true being- the creator of his reality! ,” concluded the dynamo.

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