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ENH iSecure: Entrenched with phenomenal Cybersecurity Consulting solutions, ensuring impeccable offerings to the clients.

ENH iSecure: Entrenched with phenomenal Cybersecurity Consulting solutions, ensuring impeccable offerings to the clients.

When the world is seeking solace in the arms of technology for each problem it encounters, the privacy of individuals is being kept on the stake by some vicious elements. Yes, technology has ensured the development of the human civilization in every possible way but, it has also enhanced the access of unscrupulous people into our lives knowingly or unknowingly. A myriad of hackers with a detrimental mindset and unethical means are brutally deteriorating the privacy of the innocent usersdaily. Cybersecurity has become the need of the hour as we cannot even imagine our lives without technology; to ensure the safety of the personal and professional data on the business front is a must. Many institutions are dealing in this respect, assuring the safe and secure data with the assistance of the experts and technology. Among those, ENH iSecure has emerged out as a formidable organization assuring secure data delivery services. ENH iSecure is a Cyber Security Consulting and Solution Deployment Services Organization with its HQ based in Hyderabad, India, and numerous branches in the USA. It also has service footprints in Australia, Philippines, and Singapore.

Possessing the razor-sharp focus into niche domains of Cybersecurity, which are Identity & Access Management and Governance Risk & Compliance, the Organisation is gradually climbing the heights of success. As per the Key Official, “We are

aligned with top OEMs in the Industry such as Sailpoint, Cyber-Ark, Okta, etc with our rich experience in various verticals, we deliver impeccable solutions in the horizontals while deploying above OEM solutions. We are the subject matter experts in compliance frameworks such as SOx, HIPAA, PCI, GDPR etc.”


Unveiling the Inception story

Being a veteran in the Information Security domain,  the Founder and the CEO, EsesveDigumarthi had a dream of establishing a company that is highly techno-functional in the area of identity and access management. Esesve realized an enormous gap between the Industry’s requirement and the offerings being proposed by system integrators. It is essential to design and deploy a solution that is functionally impeccable, technically scalable, and provides huge ROI to the Consumer. Since 2015, seeding this motto in the mind, the Founder gradually prepared a team with in-depth knowledge about consumers and solutions in the relevant space.In the present day, the expertise of the Team speaks for the credibility of ENH iSecure.


About the Founder

The beetling-dignitary, CEO, EsesveDigumarthi is an information security enthusiast with multiple award-winning technical papers in the field of cryptography. He attained his Bachelors in Electronics and Communications, and Masters in IT from Symbiosis. Possessing an indomitable spirit, EsesveDigumarthi is highly disciplined in his approach and believes in constructing the fundamentals firmly. He has been associated with various organizations including GE, Sun Microsystems, JP Morgan, RBS, Oracle etc, implementing high end IAM solutions for customers. The prominent business-leader has also performed as an enterprise architect for various implementations including certain cloud security solutions and has ensured a huge connection in the world of IAM across the globe. His blog on security was entitled one of the top technical blogs, during his time as an engineer.

As a CEO, bearing an attitude of defense personnel, EsesveDigumarthi has never defied anything from his work charter. The Executive ensures all-round performance and impeccability in the business conducting operations. However, he is closely associated with the functioning of technological teams on Innovation and Solution Designs. He also pays meticulous attention to Customers and Solution Teams in creating fool-proof solutions in the cybersecurity domain and isenamored of mentoring the young guns of ENH iSecure.

Putting forth his enduring insights on leadership, Esesve firmly states that Leadership is all about creating more leaders who are empowered to dothe right things for the customers/ecosystem.


Exceptional Employer

Presently, every industry works in a resource vs. usage/utilization mode. In the Industry the foremost important aspect that is missing is the bond that needs to be developed between employee and employer. Each human being craves for respect and acceptance. “The day when an employee is referred to as a ‘resource’, the organization loses the value. This striking ideology was inscribed by us in the foundation stone of this Company.  Here at ENH iSecure, we empower every individual to emerge out as a hero. No one is used for the mean purpose. Our endeavours are focused on motivating the employees to evolve as a better version of themselves.” says the CEO.



Identity & Access Management is a pre-requisite for the Organization alongside active employment status. The solutions offered by the Company helps plug a lot of security loopholes in the system. ENH iSecure has vertical specialization in the areas of BFSI, Telecom, Manufacturing Retail and Distribution, Healthcare and education. They are closely associated with clients ranging from SMEs to Large scale enterprises. According to the CEO, ENH iSecure is proud to have secured the trust of large scale enterprises such as Ocwen Financial solutions, Microsoft, Multiple banks, Stock Exchanges, etc.

ENH iSecure firmly believes in one principle- Irrespective of other changes, the underlying platform concerning technology shall never change. In the relevant endeavour, ENH iSecurestrives to imbibe huge technical focus to all its workforce in the initial years of service. The adept teams are adroit in several areas like operating systems, processors, containers, databases, and programming languages.

Once in a while, the Management of the Company decides to step back for the improvisation procedure and overviewing their performance by far. Their excellence converges on the multiple technological areas, focusing on relevant advancements considering the future. Being the great believers in the principles of science, they also aspire to distribute the attained knowledge by them for free to those in need.


Exclusive Work culture                        

Acknowledging the great value that an adroit human can add to a team, the CEO says that it is crucial to create an ecosystem in the work station, where the employees can be enlightened on their own to do the right things at the right place. To ensure this, there are DGs four cardinals that have been infused in their work culture by the CEO-

  • Obey with a smile
  • Be punctual
  • Work hard and without fuss
  • Make no excuses and tell no lies


Achievements by far

ENH iSecurehas achieved some featsthat the Organisation is proud to enlist below.

  • Attained 50% annual CAGR YOY.
  • Commencement of services in a new country every second year.
  • The organization made a Million-dollar cloud security deal in ASEAN.


 Envisioning the future

Firmly believing in an automated world of technology, ENH iSecure envisions to solve human problems concerning privacy via various aspects. Intending to accomplish this, a solution has to be built-in cybersecurity using tech-like AI, ML, etc. Giving an insight into the future outlooks, the CEO says that the adept team is working diligentlyto entwine the two technologies using different solutions and achieve 100% automation in security. This exclusive solution will be a huge success shortly, assuring the hard work of the employees becomes fruitful.

ENH iSecure has also invested in R&D, using its COE resources into these areas. Once the models are ready, they will be filing for patents, soon.


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