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Guide to Ace Physical Education Exam in Class 11  

Guide to Ace Physical Education Exam in Class 11  

The CBSE board exam includes different theory-based subjects. With the forthcoming new education policy, every subject is equally important. This has made physical education also essential. Physical education is the optional subject for Class 11. To prepare for physical education, a student has to have a CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Syllabus PDF. Based on the syllabus, it is easy to infer that a student is expected to perform well in a practical test and written test.  

CBSE board has prescribed an NCERT physical education book for Class 11. It has 10 units. A student should read all 10 units at least once to get an idea about the subject. NCERT physical education textbook has units focusing on changing trends, Olympic values, leadership in physical education. It also includes topics like Yoga, anatomy, physiology of sports. It has also discussed some unique topics like sports for children with special needs, psychology in sports, and malpractices like doping in sports. Class 11 physical education needs a student not only to be aware of the physical health of a body but also the mental health of a body.  

 Importance of Class 11 Physical Education

  • It will make students aware of the physical and mental health of the body.  
  • It will encourage students to apply learning from the subject in real life which will help students lead a healthy and prosperous lifestyle.   
  • It will introduce students to sports.  
  • It will make students understand how psychology and physical health are related.  
  • It will enhance the students’ personality and way of carrying themselves.  
  • A healthy life will lead to a disease-free life.  

Exam pattern of Class 11 Physical Education

To prepare for any exam a student should know what will be the pattern of the exam. There will be written exams and practical tests. Written exam questions will be based on the NCERT textbook. It will be of a total of 70 marks. The practical test will attribute 30 marks. It will follow the pattern prescribed by the CBSE board. It will have a physical fitness test, proficiency in the game (list given by CBSE board), Yogic practice, viva, and record file. Written exams and practical exams, each need a different type of preparation.  

 Out of other optional subjects for Class 11, Physical education is one of the highest-scoring subjects by students. First, a student must get familiar with the syllabus of the subject then a student follow the following tips;

Written Exam – The written exam is going to test students’ close acquaintance with the concepts and unique topics of the subject.

  • First, read the NCERT Class 11 physical education textbook. Get acquainted with the flow and structure of the textbook.  
  • Focus on the concepts. A student might find many examples for one concept. Instead of reading all the examples, understand the concept and note down one example that you can easily relate to. It will help in answer writing.  
  • Do not forget the main keywords and names of organizations from the textbook. Short answer and objective questions are based on these.  
  • The textbook has chapters with lots of content to read. Hence, make a flow chart of every chapter to remember the content of the chapters.  
  • Do not mug up the concepts. Understand them. Relate them to day-to-day life.  
  • Unit Yoga will need special research from the students’ side. Research other “Yogic Positions”. Practice them. A student cannot just read about this chapter. For a better understanding of this chapter, it also needs implementation.  
  • Unit Psychology and sports might be new for the students but keep in mind it is easy to understand and will not be needing any special preparation.  
  • The first three units are more factual data based units. They have comparatively fewer concepts than other units but more factual data. Making notes will help to remember factual data from those units.  
  • Unit 7 to unit 10 are theory-based and a little more conceptual units than other units in the textbook. Understanding the core concept will be enough to prepare for these units.  
  • The exam is going to be focused on the creative thinking of the student. Hence while learning the subject, keep an open mind.

Practical Test – This test is as important as a written exam. Many students do not give proper time to prepare for this test. Students will go through some fitness tests based on what they learned in the textbook.

  • If a student does not do any exercises regularly, then it is necessary to start exercising 2 weeks before the test. Students which go without preparation often fail in the practical test as they barely perform in fitness tests. Hence it is necessary to prepare weeks before the test and to get into a decent form to perform better.  
  • The fitness test will include different forms of tests like running, skipping, squats, short jump, etc. Practice them at least 1 week before the exam.  
  • There will be a test about “Yogic Practice”. Prepare three-four “Yogic Positions” for the day of the test. Practice them till you can do them properly. Notice your form, breathing pattern, etc. All these will be accounted for to remark on a student’s performance.  
  • The practical test is not just a performance test. The Viva part of the test will test students’ conceptual clarity of the subject. If a student has read an NCERT Class 11 Physical education textbook then this will be the easiest part to score full marks.  
  • Practising and keeping the body in a healthy state is key to ace this exam.  


Class 11 Physical education exam has been a scoring subject for past years. Students who have given a moderate amount of time for this subject to prepare have always gotten very high marks. Physical education will be the test of the mental and physical health of the students. It will also make them aware of the field of sports as a career. This subject will be a good scoring subject for students who have less time in their hands to study other subjects. With little effort, it sure can elevate the overall percentage of students.  

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