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How to improve class 7 Hindi score

How to improve class 7 Hindi score

Class 7 Hindi is very important as it gives basic exposure to literature and Hindi grammar. Some students might find it difficult to learn due to many reasons like they might not be native speakers and the usage of Hindi is negligible. In such cases, it is like learning from the beginning.  Learning from the initial stage will be good as the concepts of the language and the grammatical topics will be properly grasped by the students.

Language skills can be adopted well with the proper practice of both reading and writing. Class 7 Hindi consists of Literature which includes Prose and poetry, Grammar, and Composition. There are three books in class 7 Hindi that are Vasant, Durva, and Bal Mahabharat. The total number of chapters in Vasant is 20. Durva has 18 chapters and Bal Mahabharat is the reading comprehension.

The content in each chapter is quite different and students will enjoy learning and reading the chapter. Vasant is a book with stories and poems of great personalities. Durva comprises folktales, poems, and stories. The Bal Mahabharat which is written by Ved Vyas, tells about the great epic. These stories and the poems give lots of information about Indian history to children which they might not be aware of. Any language can be excelled if regular study and practice are followed. Class 7 students are quite young, so the parents should help them in learning and improving the language.

Study Time Schedule.
Check the syllabus and make a schedule accordingly. This will give a regularity in the studies and will be organized.

Proper Approach
Discuss with the child to make them understand the value of literature and grammar in the language. Start with the alphabets and the consonants. For any language, one has to be familiar with the alphabet to have accuracy in the language.

Reading and Writing.
Let the child cultivate reading the chapters every day. This will help them to improve their vocabulary skills and also they will know the familiarity of the words and sentences. Once they read the chapter ask them to explain the chapter whatever they have understood. This will help to know their grasping power after reading any chapters. Reading is important and at the same time practicing writing is also very important. Sometimes reading becomes fluent but at the same time when you try to write it might seem a little troublesome. This can be improved with the everyday writing of small words and sentences.

Practise sessions
Don’t be very stern with the Hindi sessions. This subject is new and cannot anticipate that they would show keen interest initially. Even though they would have studied Hindi, that is very basic. Class 7 Hindi has vast topics and grammar. Make small study sessions so they will have fun learning. You also can give them to write a page every day from the textbook. This will improve their handwriting and also they will know the formation of sentences.

Test after each chapter.
Evaluate your child after each chapter. You can give some questions in the exercises and fill in the blanks etc. This is to make them familiar with the different types of questions asked. You can also reward the child after each test. This is a way to motivate the child and that the child should develop an interest in the subject. Anything learned from interest is valuable.

Preparation of notes
Develop the habit of making notes. This will help to continue with the same practice even in the higher classes which will be very beneficial.

Interactive Learning.
Hindi sometimes becomes boring so it is always better to have interactive learning or use flashcards. The main motive is to improve the language in an interesting way.

Grammar is very important in any language. This is not just to memorize but has to be thoroughly learned. Explain the topic to the child. Let them know the rules to follow for each topic. Once they are familiar with the precepts it becomes easy to learn.

Give one worksheet every day to the child. This practice is very beneficial and will help a child learn a lot of things. The practice worksheets will be available in the NCERT solutions. The more the child practices the more they will be familiar with the difficult words and sentences.

Revision of the chapters is very important as it is new learning for the child so they might forget soon. Before they start their studies just ask them a few questions about what they have learned previously. You can also give the dictation of words and sentences. This will enhance their thinking and writing skills.

Tips for the parents.
You might not be a native speaker of Hindi but you can always communicate a bit with your child so it becomes easy for them to know the daily usage of words and sentences. What they listen to and communicate will have a better effect while learning.

Make them read small Hindi storybooks or comics. Children might get bored reading the textbook but when it comes to the storybook or the comics they will have fun. Make them read and write with you. This way you will also spend quality time with your child and also will know their performance.

Reference Books
For class 7 Hindi NCERT solutions will be the best and can be a perfect guide. They are easy to understand and are in simplistic language.

Benefits of preparing class 7 Hindi from NCERT solutions.

  1. The syllabus is curated by expert professionals as per the standard of the children which is very simple and makes the learning fun.
  2. The CBSE guidelines are followed appropriately.
  3. The practise exercises and the question papers help the students to have a thorough practice of the subject.
  4. NCERT solutions are given as per the chapter which helps the students for comprehensive learning.

Further details can be referred to by clicking on NCERT Books for Class 7 Hindi PDF.

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