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Right Track Corporate Service

Right Track Corporate Service

Creating jobs for Rural Youth

If we can train rural youth and make them ready for jobs, instead of being a drain on resources, large numbers of young people will bring social transformation and economic progress. Rural youth assist in resolving the global food issue if we invest in them. If rural youth have jobs, it slows down urban migration and decreases the physical and social strain on cities. An educated and trained youth might boost agricultural development outcomes.

But for all these, we need to understand what opportunities do young people have and how can they improve the agricultural and agri-business sectors? What are the rural youth non-agricultural opportunities? How can incentives and ambitions of young people be matched with these broad aims for development?

Dileep M, the director of Right Track Corporate Service, emphasizes the significance of helping rural youth to increase demand for labor and services.

“Young people are critical to the growth of rural regions. Trying to engage rural youngsters in economic pursuits would assist India in reaping the demographic dividend.” quotes Dileep.

A huge number of jobless young people in developing nations are living in abject poverty, unable to provide for their homes and with bleak prospects for the future. This group of sometimes well-educated, dissatisfied people contributes to global political instability. A large number of younger people, on the other hand, can provide inventive, adaptable, and productive employees that lead to better economic growth and development. The nature and implications of crises and opportunities differ in rural regions from those in metropolitan settings.

The founder quotes “ In a Sense, there are lots of opportunities in Soft services and facility management projects like property Management, and with respect Contract labor verticals”

He believes that nations must make a fairly fast decision: provide job possibilities, particularly in rural regions, and reap the demographic rewards of a young, energetic population, or risk social discontent and civil unrest associated with high rates of youth poverty. According to him rural communities are struggling to create opportunities for their youngsters and are losing them. This has far-reaching implications at the regional, state, and national levels. It has the potential to undermine economic systems, social stability, and human health.

Dileep steers “ Team of Right Track has attended over 1000 job fairs and gathered a large candidate database. Right Track Corporate Service’ USP is its massive workforce database. So, when a customer contacts Right Track Corporate Service for recruiting services, they rarely waste time and deliver a solution far ahead of schedule. They have built a name not via marketing, but through effective business practices.”

Right Track Corporate Service was founded in 2012 in Bangalore by Dileep M, who set out to assist rural youngsters in finding work. Dileep felt the anguish of financial problems long ago in his career, throughout his college days. Dileep worked in high-level corporate roles before quitting them because he was committed to assisting the country’s jobless youth in obtaining proper and acceptable employment.

I am an ordinary guy with extraordinary dreams, aspiring to build an inclusive community, says Dileep. He was born in a small town near Hassan, Karnataka, spent a large part of his formative years where English medium schools were non-existent, and basic city benefits like electricity and infrastructure were a blessing.

“It is still considered a privilege at my birthplace for kids to be gifted with bicycles, smartphones, iPad and laptop, to support their learning,” says he.

He continues, “ as a kid, I was told that only three professions existed, engineer, doctor or civil services, anything else was not valuable enough to pursue. Yet I dreamt to be different and aspired to become an actor, without support from my family and landed up in Bangalore to explore my options in theatre. Coming from a farmer family, I had to first work to sponsor my dreams. 17 years old, started working as a Housekeeping boy. My family didn’t have much money to afford good institute study so I had to work as a Housekeeping boy & as a security guard.

I completed my post-graduation and started working in an MNC company in the Human Resources function. It was this humble beginning that forced me to think beyond how I could help the rural youths to earn and simultaneously complete their education in cities. My noble philosophies pushed me harder to build a successful career and start my own venture. That is how Right Track Corporate Service was born because I decided to wade through the mud.

With an initial capital of Rs. 2 lakh, from my savings and with the unrelenting support of my wife Keerthi, we took the risk and ventured into creating employment opportunities for our rural youth. The unemployment rate of Karnataka is approximately 26.3, of which 8.3% are high school and college dropouts.”

Dileep thinks that young people in rural regions confront more problems than their urban counterparts as a broad population category. He says that reduced education and physical resources, very few employment options, bigger and more powerful cultural differences around age and gender, relatively low availability to transportation systems and computer technology, decreased access to health services in general and relatively weak market segments are a few of the factors that pull the rural youth down.

But he says that the youngsters in rural areas are extremely motivated and gifted. It’s all in preparation. Skilling takes longer to develop, but once they are up to speed, there is no going back for them. There are plenty of good folks who are eager to learn. As people stay at home and work, the availability of local opportunities allows them to save more money. Our staff has shown a great deal of enthusiasm for their jobs.

eager to learn. As people stay at home and work, the availability of local opportunities allows them to save more money. Our staff has shown a great deal of enthusiasm for their jobs.

The founder believes that more corporates should join as social entrepreneurs as it gives immense joy to bring about a difference in the life of people and being a change element for your nation.

He quotes, “If you want to make a difference in your community, here is the place to be. The job is difficult, but as you progress down the path, you will meet a slew of like-minded individuals who will gladly assist you. The joy of making a difference and gaining the goodwill of many people makes it all worthwhile!”

At the end of our conversation, Dileep shares a message for young people working hard to build a successful future. Work hard, since success does not come easily. It’s a long and steep climb to your vision, but only you can see it, so don’t be too hard on yourself. When you start climbing, you’ll quickly discover you’re on a never-ending journey. Rather than aiming for perfection, strive for continuous progress.

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