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Emerging As A Winner Even Under Uncertain Circumstances

“Technology is A Double-Edged Sword and Unequal Access to it Might Lead to A Digital Divide”

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” ~John C Maxwell

Very much of the same belief, Kiran S. Deolalkar shares his journey and leadership skills here. Kiran’s entrepreneurial venture Sedibuz Consulting LLP is a technology consulting company. The company métier is in the government sector and is a top government consulting firm. With his tremendous and honest efforts, the visionary has been able to take the company so far and achieve success. Now, he has ensured space in our esteemed magazine Business Connect in the edition ‘Entrepreneur of the Year 2021’.

Kiran had always nourished the desire to start his own business. When he finally decided to venture into it, what bothered him the most was the high rate of unemployment among qualified students. The desire for providing employment coupled with his desire for a sustainable business led to the inception of Sedibuz Consulting LLP. Though low on funds, he had a substantial personal network, developed during his employment in two large  conglomerates.

His experience spanning over two decades equipped and enabled him to turn his dream into a reality of creating a company that provides “Fresh Perspectives, Analytical Rigour & Innovative Solutions”, to quote from the company’s official website. He believes in John C Maxwell’s saying (quoted above) and believes his core strength is that he is empathetic and brings into his work and leadership a positive attitude along with confidence and ability to lucidly communicate his ideas.

The vision Kiran has for Sedibuz is to be a leader in public sector consulting, not only in India, but to be a leading public sector consulting firm in the world too. The mission that Kiran and Sedibuz have set for themselves is to encourage and expedite the technological journey for public sector organizations. Keeping the preceding vision and mission in mind, the company hopes to reach a $3 million mark. And the aim to do this is by March 2024.

Starting with a strong business plan in April 2019, which included expanding into the African market, Sedibuz too was affected by the Pandemic in 2020. A setback of such gigantic proportions did hinder the plans a little, but focusing on the work remotely, the team was able to show positive results and was even able to recover lost grounds

While the private sector is reaching a stagnation point, the public sector is witnessing a rejuvenating government interest and interest in citizen-centric solutions. The challenge and opportunity to partner with the government are immense and the opportunities would only increase. Sedibuz provides end-to-end assistance in 3 areas – technology companies, public sector companies, and organizations and product companies.

To the first category, the companies that want to get into the public sector, Sedibuz helps and provides guidance along the entire journey, right from demand generation to contact closures. In the second category of Public Sector / Government organizations/departments, Sedibuz provides expert advice that is required to prepare Detailed Project reports, RFP, and Program/Project Management, supporting them in both IT and OP. Sedibuz helps Product Companies (International as well as Indian startups), which form the third category, with the G0-To-Market strategy and helps them to take their first steps into the Public sector.

Kiran updates that they have formed a new company called Sedibuz Global Technologies LLP. This company focuses on the needs and requirements of Systems Integration in the Public Sector. In April 2019, both Sedibuz Consulting LLP and Sedibuz Global Technologies LLP were launched as a group.

Apart from the biggies, Sedibuz has a strong understanding of the public sector which gives it an edge over competitors in their category. Kiran is an ardent admirer of Ratan Tata and has faith in the last quarter. Having emerged as a winner even under uncertain circumstances and their confidence being boosted by a financially profitable second year, Kiran hopes to make Sedibuz a $1million company by March 2022.

Though Covid derailed the plans a little, Kiran with patience was able to pull it back on track with his leadership. He delved deep into his own strength and kept motivating the team. Taking a cue from the covid warriors, Sedibuz lent a helping hand to the underprivileged section of society. The Sedibuz team collaborated with the Rotary community to ensure the successful implementation of their social outreach programme.

in the latter’s saying, “If you want to walk fast, walk alone, but if you want to walk far, walk together”, and believes his strength lies in his “Networth” that is his network that has stood by his side supporting and guiding his.

Kiran believes that technology is a necessary evil in today’s fastpaced world. Though it helps to bring people and businesses closer, it is a double-edged sword and unequal access to technology could lead to a digital divide, and the technologically advanced section would progress at a still faster rate than before, while the technologically challenged businesses would either be left behind or even wiped out in the race for market share.

The far-sighted advises his team to always be on the lookout for the Indian startups offering unique services and guide them in creating the Go-To-Market strategy in the public sector. With respect to suggestions to readers and entrepreneurs, he believes a leader must be courageous and ready to take unprecedented steps for the company’s benefits, as profitable and helpful innovations would help them carve out a space for themselves.

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