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Digitactix is a Portmanteau of  the words Digital and Tactics that makes it DIGITACTIX

A blooming number of feminine attributes are reaching the top echelons of business and industries. But the progress for females are still slow, and the gender gap in our society and leadership remain stubbornly huge. By accepting every hurdle the grandeur women – Mrs. Ankita Gupta leads a successful start-up like Digitactix.

Women leaders are more compassionate, ethical and better at forging compromises than men. Similarly, our cordial leader behind the most admirable company – Mrs. Ankita Gupta, founder of Digitactix, is the staggering leader of the Digital Marketing Industry.

Digitactix is a full-service and award-winning digital marketing agency, located in Mumbai. From the very beginning, they have fused together with marketing savvy cutting-edge digital skills to deliver results. Their Social Media Marketing Agency includes services like:-

Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Web Designing, Web Development, Branding, Content Writing, Graphic Designing, Email Marketing, Content Marketing Services, Media Planning Services, and UX & UI Designing Solutions

Difference is Uncanny

They are always transparent with their clients who spend their budgets on paid  media Mrs. Ankita believes in the mantra:if your clients get business you get business.”

She believes that a lot of people begin anything looking at friends or colleagues but once they see others getting ahead they lose focus and somewhere get lost in the process because of the sting of ‘COMPARING’. Therefore, she is the one who doesn’t fall prey to this infection of ‘COMPARING’. Since Day 1 of Digitactix, she reminds herself  “ The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday “

So now I have a unique challenge of doing better than what I have already achieved which makes me different from others who just work hard to get ahead of others, and defeat others. Once done, the race ends and so does the journey of progress setting the complacency in”. – Mrs. Ankita Gupta

 Scuffle Story and clientele

Nothing comes easy, their team worked very hard and the struggle is real even more for boutique agencies like theirs. At Digitactix they all work on a principle of giving the best shot at everything and to ‘Make each day Count’ for clients.

They have fortunately working with 50+ plus clients from various industries like IT, Retail, Event management, Home Décor, Consumer Durables to name a few, in the last 3 years. They also worked with big countries like the USA, UAE, and the Republic of Congo and have gained knowledge of global Markets and Consumer Behaviour.

They value relationships more and at Digitactix and ensure to give their best shot to do justice to every dollar spent by their client.  It is rightfully said, “If your clients get business you get business” and they are very fortunate to have been working with clients who trust them and refer to companies looking for Digital Marketing Agencies.

“ Our clients are our Best Advertisers “

Succeeding in digital marketing has a lot to do with adopting new technology and integrating it with the services offered.

  • New and better tools that help in competitor analysis, reporting, day to day execution.
  • Techniques and strategies aligned as per the clients business
  • A constant survey and study on Marketing trends

They do not hesitate about experimenting or testing something innovative and new. One of the simplest ways of doing so is via continued training. They have a learning session every ‘Thursday’ in their office, where they keep themselves updated on the dynamic nature of the industry.

Research is creating new knowledge and zeal add-on as cherry top

“Innovation is the process of turning ideas into manufacturable and marketable form.” – Watts Humphrey

Mrs. Gupta was always excited to come on work and now even more as she is looking to grow in spaces, which they were struggling as a start-up, let’s say in house video production team and talent that can steer the organization into a new direction.

When you push yourself professionally, you can gain greater satisfaction with your work. “Some aspects of your career will always be outside of your sphere of influence” on this vision she is successful with the greater zeal. But by taking specific steps to enhance her day-to-day work experience, she is keeping herself professional, enthusiast, alive, and moving forward.

Empowering strong trust of the employees and Eventful future for Entrepreneurs

Employees in any industry play a very crucial role. They at Digitactix are a small team of employees and try to keep politics out of their office. She is extremely approachable by her team members and believes in having a fun place to work.  She always tries to be available for her team for personal as well as a professional discussion.

Well, in today’s Innovative world, Digital Marketing is considered to be one of the most effective ways of marketing. The scope of digital marketing provides some of the most powerful techniques whereas traditional marketing fails to do.

Finally, the future of digital marketing is going to be more enveloping in 2020, and undoubtedly it’s clear that there is a great scope for Digital Marketing in the future and increasing opportunities for entrepreneurs in India.

The Role model in the entrepreneurial journey is her husband and friends who stood by her in the journey. The one thing she learned from her husband is to trust people and give your best in whatever you do.

Unsociable Existence

Mrs. Ankita Gupta, the founder of Digitactix, enjoys cooking apart from proceedings in business. Her 12-year-old son is a foodie and she adores him by cooking scrumptious food. She also likes to spend a lot of time learning new recipes to score some brownie points with her kid. Music is her best companion while cooking. Besides that, she sublimes the lofty of the top Digital Marketing Company – Digitactix

Society is a web of social relationship

A year ago, they did a campaign for one of their clients, which is ‘LifeAfterCancer. This campaign was completely curated and executed by their precise team for absolutely no management fees, and they also got other corporate firms to involve in sponsoring the same cause.

The start-up India program helped them, but the problem for all start-ups is the cash flow that affects their growth. Getting clients to pay as per agreed terms is the basic challenge according to them.

The path towards Finishing Line

Digitacix Award
Digitacix Award

They were a two-member team in 2015, with one account or rather say one project on board to be precise. In the past 3 years, they have worked with 50+ plus clients, In the year 2018 they won an award for “The Best Design and Development Website in the Retail Category” In the year 2019, they won an award for the” Best use of Social Media for Maximum Return on Investment ” at  Masters of Modern Marketing Awards. Marketing is not about having crazy budgets and unlimited channels to market, its about reaching the right audience and spending each dollar wisely.

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