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i-Assist Innovations Labs

i-Assist Innovations Labs

‘One-Stop Shop’ to Become a Global Research Organization

In an interview with ‘Forbes’, Twilio CEO Jeff Lawson had stated, “Marc Andreessen said, “Software is eating the world.” It was a prescient prediction. The power of software is really changing every industry there is. But he did not describe how it would eat the world or what the roles would be. Keep in mind that nobody really talks about how people are making this transformation happen- and of course, this is about software developers.”Digital Transformation has undoubtedly become much more than a buzzword in the industry today.

And, there are, of course, names that have contributed a lot to this and each one has its own USPs. The brainchild of Sharad Kumar, i-Assist Innovations Labs Pvt Ltd ( IAIL) is the one, which is looked at as ‘One-Stop Shop’.

Let us take out some time to learn from the success journey of the CEO cum Founder of the company Sharad Kumar. We would witness him sharing few inspiring points here and what exactly lead him to start the company. Also, we would come to know what obstacles he has faced and what all were turned into opportunities by the knowledgeable man. Not only he is extremely passionate about this creation of his but also he very well is aware of the way he has to handle his team. Sharad is of the thought that his team members and he constitute a big family.

Well, all this together makes him qualify to be a part of the 10 Most Cutting-Edge Digital Transformation Solutions Providers. Let us acquire a different business outlook by the confident entrepreneur-

The CEO and Founder of the company, Sharad Kumar shares his experience,

“No matter how much advanced the technology is, how much we have accomplished all these years, there’s always a scope to make it even better. Before the idea came to fruition, the changes and advances that were achieved in the technological aspect were huge and there’s no limit to what we can achieve.”

As far as i-Assist Innovations Labs Pvt Ltd (IAIL) is concerned, just one small thought of his proved to be the ultimate motive for the venture.

He continues, “Why can’t the business get a software that fits exactly what their needs are, basis the IT maturity, the Organizational constructs that drive the change. Just like the future of medicines are going to be Personalized medicines, why can’t software be developed – with the best of the technologies and functionalities for an organization.

Today the Product company develop a Product, IT Purchases it and makes the adequate change in it by employing a System Integrator/Consulting Organization to make it work for the business where the turnaround time, cost of change, the cost of integration, and implementation makes the overall cost of change so high. Why can’t a product company does that for business directly and solves the wide gap between “as is” vs “to be” ”.

Just like others, Sharad too had to face challenges and obtained opportunities. Sharing his experiences, he says that while spending more than two decades in the IT sector, he bore all sweet and bitter. Experiences. Performing roles like those of CFO, Organizational leader, Sharad had always been vibrant and full of enthusiasm. Those were the times when he saw himself shaping up plans to start an organization of his own. According to the confident CEO, “Yes, there were obstacles like recruitment of right people, finances, workspace, infrastructure etc.

Still, I was not dissuaded. Facing these challenges, I moved on. In the closing days in December 2019, we opened a new leaf in our chapter. And, then was born IAIL. Within the first few months itself, we received reputed clients. It was in March 2020, the whole world came to a halt because of the pandemic. Many startups and big companies as well were hit badly by the pandemic. But, all this was no bottleneck to IAIL, as we had a pretty clear vision and roadmap, through which we were able to sustain and slowly emerge a force to deal with in the IT sector

To put it in simple words, Sharad adds further and says imagine an insurance policy filing (as an example), it takes few days, as there are many things, that come in the picture. Be it filing the documents, verifying the documents, checking the legibility of the same, and finally getting the thing approved. The filing is done post this process. And this exercise takes at least 3 to 5 days and the manual intervention (collecting all this information) could not be ignored.

Quite confident of his achievements, Sharad goes on, “What if I say that this whole process can be done in a mere 60-120 mins? How’s that for a game-changing moment? The in-house product (patented) that we developed not only does all the aforementioned things but also makes sure that only the verified and legit information is fed directly to the client’s server by integrating seamlessly. And, this is just the start, this instance is one of the instances that prove to be a tremendous success within the industry!”

The co-founder of the company Manmaya Ray is another brain behind the company.

The co-Founder, Manmaya Ray – who ensures what was promised goes intact, from Operations Praveen who ensures nothing goes wrong in the organization, from Marketing and Branding Surender – who decides how IAIL should be seen by the outside world, the best brains in the core team, to name a few Manjesh Narayana, Venkatesh, Pranay, Shantam, Mohit, Sagen, Sanidhya and a big list ensures the edge in technology is maintained with continual improvements in technology.

From PMO Rena Laurin and her team ensures we give and set the right expectation with our products the last but not the least the eminent leaders from industry who blessed us by agreeing to part of the family as advisors and Mentors Mr Atul Gupta, Mr Suresh Mahalingam and Mrs Anisha Motwani who have been guiding us to be sharper and faster to be ahead in the game.

IAIL loves to be called an R&D one because of the products they developed in-house. This took quite a good time of theirs, for research & designing, ensuring the final product going to the market is top-notch.

On being asked how AI, ML, Big Data etc, driving the competition and where the company stands, the luminary has one word to say- Automation.

Sharad describes their mission by stating that they ensure the products are error-free and does the majority of the work by itself, that is, without manual intervention. ML algorithms help in the designing, development of these products. IAIL aims at being a global research organization that also changes the world with its innovative products to make the lives of people better.

i-Assist Innovations Pvt Ltd confirming the quality is its forte, speaks none of the products after reaching the market, failed quality checks. It is ensured beforehand that it is tried and tested innumerable times to ensure quality.

The ‘One-Stop Shop’ has it all. According to IAIL, the array of its products goes well with all the domains breaking the usual technology barrier, which talks about few products unfeasible for other domains. Finance, banking, insurance are a few names/areas the company serves. They are proud enough to speak about the partners to IAIL who earlier were seen signing the agreement for only some time. This is quite enough to boast about how well the performance of the company is!

Another thing about which Sharad is gratified to talk is his ‘in a way exemplary’ team. Beginning with four members and today, having more than 25 in the team, Sharad claims, “We are proud to call ourselves a big family.” He ensures people always come first.

Coming to the awards and achievements by i-Assist Innovations Labs Pvt Ltd, these are:

Indian Achievers Forum:

  • Recognition of Outstanding Professional Achievement & Contribution in Nation Building,
  • Promising Start-Up by India Achievers Forum,

Leaders Awards:

  • Digital Innovations Enterprise of the Year,
  • One of the Top 10 ML Start-ups of 2021.

IAIL aims at becoming the trend-setter as far as transitions in technology are concerned. Also, it strongly believes that change is something that impels the companies to perform better.

The CEO of Twilio Jeff Lawson affirms there are times when technology needs to be bespoke and have a special secret sauce to win in the market. Every company has its table stakes.

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