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Soft Freight Logic (SFL)

Soft Freight Logic (SFL)

Making strides towards the amelioration of the logistics industry.

Who isn’t aware of the significance of the logistics and supply chain market in the growth of businesses? And on that note, India is said to be the foremost destination for reliable logistic services across the globe.  And a situational analysis by the experts predicts a major boom in this space by the end of 2021. But still, there is a long way to go in terms of tech- adoption and syncing with international standards. Innovations and ground-breaking technologies can definitely bring transformative change here where SCM companies need to ensurea proactive approach.

SCM solutions automate business processes that eventually reduce the chances of human errors. As phenomenal as is the result of the inclusion of the latest technologies are in this space, investing in the wrong technology or considering an unresponsive service provider can cause a huge setback to any organisation.

Hence, to scale the productivity and profitability, reaching out to an agile and credible company with expertise in dealing with new-fangled technologies can offer you an edge in the market. This is why we have come up with the vignette of a well-acclaimed name in the logistics industry- Soft Freight Logic(SFL) that has been committed to making India a logistical powerhouse in the upcoming years while bringing major disruptions across the global logistics market.

Here, we are in a freewheeling conversation with the co-founder-cum-digital logistics advisor of this Dubai-based organisation- Raja Ratandeep. He incepted this venture to add substance to the global customers across the logistics space with Ikraam Reyaz who is steering the organisation as the CEO at present.

“Think global is the new approach which we would like the logistics company to adopt to improve their productivity and development,” stated Raja.

Driven by their fervour to add some substance to the respective industry, both the co-founders are taking their brainchild to greater heights. In this discussion, he happens to explain various aspects of the business portfolio and while sharing his industry acumen and leadership style, he gave us some food for thought that our global readership will find quite enticing.

Company overview
SFL describes itself as an SCM solutions consultant and SaaS service provider that identifies the pain points of the supply chain industry and offers solutions to optimize the overall process. It was incorporated in 2017 with a steadfast mission to revamp the SCM domain with client-centric tools, consultancy and support on ERP. A perfect blend of focus and expertise allows the company to render comprehensive solutions under the same roof.

The service portfolio of SFL primarily comprises —Cargo Wise consultancy and enhancements, software development services (mobile and web apps), optical character recognition, and digital marketing services. Powered by the client’s Cargo wise One data, their White Label Web and Mobile Applications can effortlessly elevate the processes like shipment visibility, tracking, document uploads, and analytics. Also, the web and mobile functionality offered by it is extensively user-friendly and easily accessible.

Today, it relishes a cosmopolitan presence in 10 countries— India, the USA, Brazil, UAE, South Africa, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Chile, Panama, the UK, and Europe. And not only does it operate in the countries where it is located, but also delivers solutions to innumerable serviced customers from over 42 countries.

The inspiration behind provenience
When questioned about the motive force that led to the inception of the organisation, the tycoon elucidated that shipping line, mainline, transporters, customs, etc, are various aspects that needed to be considered while being effectively operational in this field. In-depth industry knowledge is a must to have in each segment mentioned in the above premise. On that note, the founders recognized the amount of painstaking attention to details these jobs needed, which propelled them to commence their own venture to reduce the gaps in the industry leveraging the tech- advances.

Additionally, yet another motive hidden behind the inception was to offer employment opportunities to the masses from the lower-income group. The sole purpose was to ensure the talented youth with high- standards of living that speak in favour of the key persons’ solicitous attitude. “Any company cannot grow alone. We believe the humanitarian approach can help any organisation see a thumping success and all our efforts have always been in sync with this notion,” claims the luminary.

Staying ahead of the game
For Raja, his innovative streak and domain expertise have been offering his establishment a leading edge in the market. Today, SFL has an ecosystem where thrives a diverse range of solutions by the committed efforts of mobile experts, mobile developers, logistics experts, domain experts, etc. Enhanced customer experience is the key for which the responsive teams never even hesitate to go the extra mile. On top of this, SFL has been reckoned as a one-stop destination for integrated solutions exempting the customers from seeking different service providers for different solutions.

Furthermore, their attempts to centralize multiple processes such as customer service, pricing, research on lagging productivity, and considerably more could prove quite lucrative to the end-clients, resolving a plethora of issues. And here, customer service plays a critical role owing to the fact- more customers speaking in favour of your logistics services is directly proportional to more consumers and sellers who would want to be benefitted from those. Also, an affordable range of solutions is an impeccable way to facilitate customer retention and SFL has already dedicated major steps in this direction.

A discreet leadership
When asked to shine some light on their leadership insights, Raja states that a single person cannot handle the whole end-to-end logistics company. As the leading figure, one has to supervise top-to-toe company operations and encourage group performances. A keen eye on the team’s performance and better comprehension of the ground-level issue is the secret weapon of his success as a leader. Also, paying heed to collaborative growth where all the partners are equally getting involved in system processes and productivity programs is how he allows a touch of inclusiveness to stimulate excellence in terms of business growth.

“We are heavily into our mission of persistently challenging the status quo. Thus, innovating solutions and creating opportunities for ourselves and every partner we work with,” concluded the leader.

Appreciation is a considerable achievement’
Within a short span of time, SFL has been able to carve a unique position for itself as an eminent SCM company, for which, it has bagged appreciation from its clients, peers, industry experts and many publication houses. For them, accolades are what they take immense pride in, rather than bagging awards. Having been acknowledged as one of the leading players in IT and SCM technology offers them a sense of contentment. While crossing some established milestones,

they have been able to develop some extraordinary tech innovations that have allowed them to optimize the workflows and processes across the space. The automation services have been well- received by the clientele, spreading their tale of prowess and competency among the masses.

Exemplary cultural principles
As per Raja Ratandeep, a motivated workforce is a prominent factor that decides any company’s fate. Not just one but, many big corporations across the business world are making leaps due to this single aspect only, and for any entrepreneurial enterprise, it is an instrumental one. Also, a positive ambience at the company can do wonders in the most unexpected ways, ergo, the culture at SPL is such that once an individual comes onboard, he never intends to leave it.

This is evident from their 0% attrition rate and the ‘secret sauce’ for it — ‘make them feel like a family’. The management leaves no stone unturned to keep the staff members high-on spirits and motivated. Inspired by the keen and influential leadership style of the co-founder, the employees strain every nerve to propel the organisation to the common objectives. The duo of founders lends credence to offering freedom with flexibility to all the individuals and making leaps towards the endgoal.

Aiming for global footprints
Go global! The administration at SFL has envisioned expanding its global footprints in the upcoming years by diversifying its product portfolio. For this, a major investment plan has been designed by them and soon, the world will witness the company’s palpable presence in many new countries.

An insightful memo to entrepreneurs by the dignitary
“To become a good entrepreneur, you should know what to present to the world. At times, people do not like to share their domain expertise with the staff. If you have to grow the company, have trust in your people and start delegating them the powers.”

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