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Dappl Applications and Products Pvt. Ltd.

Dappl Applications and Products Pvt. Ltd.

The One Stop Destination for all QR Code Solutions

One of the emerging names in the industry, Dappl (Dappl Applications and Products Private Limited) has been disrupting the Customer Analytics Space with its QR code-based Products. The Innovation Centric Startup is based out of India and UK and has launched its First-of-its-kind QR code-based Products and Solutions. Its Flagship products Dappl QR Smart Tags and Stickers come with a host of functionalities integrated and upgradable behind the Dynamic QR code.

Incorporated in October 2021, the firm has created its indelible mark in the industry with its steadfast adherence to innovation and simplified smart solutions. The company specializes in the design and development of unique tech solutions for diversified industries to tackle the unaddressed needs of customers and businesses in day today life and help in enhancing their process, productivity, and performance.

There is a great combination of in-house and outsourced teams to build the Global Products and Applications. Specifically, in the Core expert areas like Product Development and Code Development, they are building In-house capabilities and in areas like App development and Digital marketing, they do engage with best-in their space Global Companies with shared/dedicated resources for Dappl.

Working with its unique tagline “Think QR. Think Dappl.” Means for any QR code-based Product or Application, Dappl is “The One Stop Shop” – focused on delivering smart solutions in a simplified way and empowering every individual by leveraging the power of data. Whether you want to showcase your brand USPs to your Customers, introduce any new product or just looking to upgrade digital information to your customers with two-way interaction with the customer, Dappl’s contactless communication allows you to engage with your customers in different ways, all with a simple QR scan from your mobile.

DAPPL SMART TAGS AND STICKERS are packed with functionalities behind the Dynamic QR Code Image. It has currently integrated the following Key functionalities of

  • Smart Trace – Lost and Found functionality helps the Finder trace back to the owner in case the product is lost/misplaced.
  • Smart-Info Manage all the Product relation Information like Bills, Documents, or any product-related info or images that are easy to retrieve.
  • Smart Alert – Set Alerts and Reminders for any key renewals related to the Product. Just Set It and Forget It.
  • Smart Message – Multimodal and Two-way communication between the Product owner and the finder from anywhere in the world. See the location where the last scan was done.

Discussing the comprehensive features of Dappl Stickers and Tags, Karup Pandiyarajan, Founder of Dappl, explained “Tag any of your personal belongings, From Luggage to Vehicles, From Gadgets to Pets, From Keys to Helmets with a Dappl Smart Tag and key in your basic info and choose Public or Private Mode. In case your valuable is lost or misplaced or any observation on your valuable, currently there is no quick, private and secure way for the finder to reach the owner. Through Dappl Smart Tags, the Finder can reach you instantaneously from anywhere in the world in just seconds. No more PDA’s (Public Display of Address), Dappl Tags comes with private mode too.”

At Dappl, there is a de-centralized Leadership that empowers every individual in making day-to-day business decisions. The primary intent behind a decentralized approach is to give authority and responsibility simply to people who know best their External and Internal Customers since they work day-in and day-out closer to stakeholders and have relevant information available to them for their decision-making.

As in a typical Startup, the founding team focuses on nurturing the Entrepreneurial Work Culture, and combined with a de-centralized approach, it helps in Identifying opportunities, Faster decision-making to meet Customer needs, Scaling, and more importantly a Happier and Belonging Team.

Being an innovation Centric Startup, R&D is key for Dappl’s sustenance and gives the firm head start ahead of future entrants into this unchartered Blue Ocean. The Products and Solutions they have lined up for design and development are more of joint working with Customer insights and addressing unsaid pain points but with more research into application goofproof.

When spoke about Dappl’s Growth roadmap, Shelton Julius, Co-Founder of Dappl excitedly briefed on the concurrent and realistic action Plan for the Growth route

  • Product-based Growth- focuses on developing and launching innovative, practical, and very competitively priced products every 4 months starting with QR Smart Tags.
  • Application-based GrowthLow-Tech High-Volume Application use cases have been prioritized and six of
    these projects are currently in different phases of Development and Customer deployment.
  • Sector-based Growth- Key Business Sectors have been identified like Hospitality, Manufacturing, Health Services, Dealerships, etc. to revolutionize the Customer Business two-way Interaction like never before.
  • Geography-based Growth – India and UK being their prime markets, they do have growth plans charted out for MENA and EU Nations as well.

Also updating about their milestones and collaboration opportunities “Since the product launch in India in Dec’21, Dappl has inducted 100 plus retail Showrooms and score of High Network Dealers which has given the team tremendous confidence about the market acceptance of the concept, and we are actively pursuing to partner with Dealers/Franchisees for
India and Global locations.”

“We sincerely express our thanks to the Business Connect Magazine for identifying and recognizing early-stage Startups and we will strive to put our efforts to bring QR Code-based innovative products and Applications to Customers and Businesses.”

“Dream Big – Start Now- Sale First – Scale Fast”-Dappl Applications and Products Private Limited

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